Not What She Meant

Li Qing looked at him. "Lord Liu, I want to ask you. Do you think he will let you reach home safely after you've seen him? I think you might as well cooperate with me and find out all the corrupt deeds Wang Ping has done all these years to make up for your mistakes."

County Magistrate Liu looked at Li Qing and spread out his hands. "The account book was burned by Wang Ping. How are you going to investigate?"

Seeing that he was suggesting that Li Qing would not be able to investigate even if he were to cooperate, Li Qing chuckled and said, "Lord Liu, let's lay out cards on the table. Look, you've long begun to prepare an escape route. I don't believe that you haven't had any backup plans all these years. You can raise any conditions. We'll discuss them."

County Magistrate Liu looked at Li Qing. "Lord Li, I want to ask you how you dared to investigate this. Is there anyone in the capital who can speak for you?"