Coincidental Encounter

Ruyi turned around from the back of the house with a bundle of firewood. He smiled at the two of them and said, "We found firewood at the back of the house. It rained so heavily all of a sudden. Fortunately, there's a mountain temple to shelter us from the rain. Otherwise, we would have been drenched."

Li Yu smiled. "There are raincoats in the bag. I'm just afraid that the horse will become sick."

"That's true." Ji Xiang took out the map and looked at it. "Madam, it'll take us two to three days to reach Le County if we go faster. If we're slower, it'll take three to four days."

Ruyi smiled and hit him with a branch. "You're already so old and don't even know how to speak. Just say that you'll be in Le County in three days at most. Wouldn't that be short and clear?"

Ji Xiang rolled his eyes at him. "Don't even think about eating my baked pancakes later." Ruyi looked at him askance. "Then don't use the firewood I brought."