Chapter 216. The Hero Saves The Beauty

 "Little girl, don't cry! It's not worth it for this kind of man! Just ignore him. In the future, there will be better ones."

 Bai Fan and several other teachers in the office saw that the situation was not right and wanted to interrupt several times to calm it down, but they were interrupted by the continuous fire from both sides!

 It was even worse now!

 These young men were already hot-tempered and would blush if they said something wrong. When encountering such an unfair situation, he had to help, not to mention this hero saving the beauty.

 Bai Fan suddenly stood up and said with a strong aura, "Alright, alright! This is their own business; what does it have to do with you little brats? If you don't understand, then don't interrupt. Be quiet!"

 After speaking, he glanced at An Ye, sobbing, and Zhuang Jie, comforting her with a tissue. Teacher Bai Fan felt a headache. This An Ye didn't look like a simple character. She was a 'good actress'!