Chapter 217. A War of Words

The young men standing at the side, still fantasizing about 'saving the damsel in distress, now had their mouths slightly agape as they looked at Zhuang Xian in shock. Her mouth was like a machine gun, directly sweeping the entire scene!

 Zhuang Hang had seen his sister's power before, but today's performance exceeded his expectations. Xian 'er's mouth was so sharp that it could attack indiscriminately. Was she trying to imitate Zhuge Jie's war of words?

 A lot of weird thoughts flashed through Zhuang Hang's mind. He felt it didn't seem very good to describe it this way!

 But on second thought, he felt that it was suitable! He could not catch up to Xian 'er's combat power!

 Teacher Bai Fan, standing in the middle of the battlefield, was also stunned. He glanced at the dumbfounded youths and then turned to look at Zhuang Xian, who had announced the end of the first round and had 'Called for a retreat'. His eyes shone with extremely dazzling light!