Chapter 250. Do You Want to Forfeit?

After the squad monitor finished speaking, he was silent for a while before looking down at An Ye. "How is it? Have you made your choice? Will you put away your acting skills and continue to follow me? Or do you want me to help you forfeit? You choose!"

 Listening to the squad monitor's explanation and lecture, An Ye was stunned. She listened to the entire process and slowly dispelled her doubts about the squad monitor. Zhuang Xian could not have bribed such an upright and outspoken instructor!

 The squad monitor didn't have any reason to lie to her. So was her injury not a big deal? But she wasn't lying. Her body was really in great pain!

 Zhuang Jie looked at An Ye, who had fallen into silence, and comforted her uneasily, "Ye, if you're alright, let's keep going! You're not thinking of dropping out, are you? It's not worth it. We'll grit our teeth and persevere through it. Don't be impulsive!"