Chapter 251. Why Did You Save Her?

 Zhuang Xian was standing on a broken tree branch, holding the name list given by the squad monitor in her hand. She was counting the number of people with the group leaders below!

"That's enough. Other than Zhuang Jie's group of five, no one in our squad is missing." As Zhuang Xian spoke, she kept the booklet, thought for a moment, and then ordered, "All team leaders, organize your team members to rest here and eat something! For safety's sake, don't spread out too much!"

 After what had happened just now, Zhuang Xian's authority and her words had increased a lot. Li Qin looked at Zhuang Xian's aura and said with a faint smile, "Sister Xian, you're good! It hadn't even been a day, and you had already subdued so many people! I'm impressed!"

 Zhuang Xian looked at him and sat down cross-legged on the thick trunk of the tree. She said calmly, "It's just a group of children. I feel that it's better to have fewer people injured!"