Chapter 334. A War of Words

Therefore, in the eyes of the two class monitors, their sophistry and the fact that the wicked complained first weren't enough! In the eyes of Squad monitor Luo Fei alone, it was extremely humorous and funny!

 The Squad monitor of Team B could only feel his face burning red.

 Luo Fei's expression turned cold when he heard that. He had the integrity of a soldier and was naturally protective of his 'children'. He immediately turned around and looked at the student, who was full of nonsense.

 The Squad monitor of Team B also knew that their class was in the wrong, so he didn't dare to let the students continue to cause trouble. He immediately stepped forward to mediate, "Alright, old Luo! You can bring your students up. First, I'll discipline this bunch of ignorant stinky kids!"

 Luo Fei's eyes flickered with sarcasm. He purposely let the Squad monitor see it. The smile on his face was not deep, and the people in front of him started to feel a little guilty.