Chapter 335. Continue to Flirt

"Your Squad monitor is trying to advise you to stop your losses. You're all so stupid that you don't even understand his meaning. It's problematic. If I were your Squad monitor, I'd be tired too!" Zhuang Xian pretended to say softly.

Everyone watched as Zhuang Xian scolded the other students and Team B's Squad monitor in such a calm and natural manner. Everyone was dumbfounded, and they were at a loss for words. 

 As Zhuang Xian said this, her eyes were fixed on the other students standing behind the Team B monitor. They were all submissive and only dared to be angry but did not dare to say anything.

 Her sharp little mouth was usually not used, but once it was used thoughtfully, it was like a machine gun with full attack power, shooting indiscriminately at everyone other than her people. Naturally, the Squad monitor of Team B was included.