Chapter 381. Not Doing Proper Work

 Zhuang Xian looked at the students and shook her head in amusement. She shouted, "Everyone in Team A as one! Now, line up and start counting!"

 When the students who had been surrounding them heard this, they immediately began to organize themselves. Even though many of them were already very tired, when they thought about the delicious meat they would be able to eat tonight, they became energetic again.

 The orderly counting of the students rang out in the forest. Zhuang Xian stood in front of them. Her calm and stern look made it easy for people to believe her.

 Even when Luo Fei was not around, Zhuang Xian could lead the 40-odd students in Team A very well.

 They even began to feel that Zhuang Xian's way of leading the troops was more concise and perfect than Luo Fei's. The Vice squad monitor seemed to know their strength and abilities better than the squad monitor, Luo Fei. She knew what they were good at and what they liked to do.