Chapter 382. Ye Xin Eavesdropping

She needed the acceptance letter from Saint Capital University. She needed to become a student at this famous school. This was just the first step for her to inherit the Ye family's company in the future successfully!

 She couldn't let this plan come to a premature end here.

 Ye Xin's eyes flashed with ruthlessness as her mind was in chaos.

 Ye Xin slowly approached Luo Fei and Lei Cheng. She hid behind a tent and listened to Luo Fei's report to Lei Cheng with her back lowered.

 "Ye Xin is partly responsible for Zhuang Jie's serious injuries. She shouldn't have done that. It made people's hearts turn cold! This student's character is problematic. I don't think I can teach her!" Luo Fei told Lei Cheng all the details of what had happened from beginning to end. Ultimately, he did not forget to include some of his views.