Chapter 385. If I Can Cry

 "Squad monitor! How's Zhuang Jie doing? I heard from the teammate who sent us the news that Zhuang Jie's nose was broken. My God, this is too tragic!" Zhang Yang was the first to say.

 Seeing that the squad monitor only turned his head and looked at him indifferently without answering the question, Zhang Yang laughed and touched the back of his head. He continued to speak honestly, "I'm just a little curious, nothing else! Zhuang Jie was unlucky today. Is she still in the camp? Or did you already send her to the hospital?"

 Nothing could be seen on Luo Fei's calm and peaceful face, but his eyes were so cold that it was a little freezing.

 Zhang Yang trembled and finally stopped talking. He lowered his head.

 "Squad monitor! Why did Zhuang Jie suddenly faint? Wasn't she full of energy this morning and even had a good time scolding people? I've never seen such a shameless person before!" Li Qin added promptly.