Chapter 386. Luo Fei's Admonition

"Whether it's a classmate who fell and got injured or this kind of thing that happens without any reason, attacking one's teammate can be avoided. Zhuang Jie's method of scolding and organizing small groups to bully other students was very undesirable! I don't want such a thing to happen again in our team!"

 Luo Fei's brows were furrowed as he spoke as if he had something on his mind. "I know it's not easy for you all to come this far, but you must keep going. One factor determining whether you can make it to the end is the support and love between teammates!

 On this mountain, you should be comrades holding hands. After you leave this mountain, you will still be schoolmates. So no matter what, you should help, be united, and love each other. This is what I have always taught you!"