Chapter 443, Distraction

 Zhuang Xian picked up two more silver needles and nimbly inserted them into the other acupuncture points on the soles of Mo Qian's feet. She didn't forget to say, "Don't think that the name of the rattlesnake and the rattlesnake are very similar, but they are entirely different things. The rattlesnake bee is extremely itchy, and in the later stages, it can swell the wound like a bun, but it's an excellent medicinal herb. It's already rare in the medicinal herb market.

 Master has a batch of them to deal with uninvited guests who trespass the Saint Valley Medicine's holy land. Of course, it's also used to deal with patients like you who don't listen to medical advice."

 Mo Qian chuckled as he cried out for his innocence. His forehead was already covered in a cold sweat.