Chapter 444. The Mo Family's Secret

And how did Mo Su bury all her pride and aloofness in a disloyal man like old Master Mo?

 Back then, in T City's business circle, the merchants were constantly discussing the marriage between Mo Suxia and the old Master of the Mo family.

 This incident could be regarded as a good story in the circle. However, the good times between the two in the business circle did not last long. Mo Gao was neither a loyal husband nor a qualified heir.

 It had been less than a year since he married Mo su, but he already had a mistress who came to provoke Mo Su with her child.

 What kind of person was Mo Su? Her pride and dignity had been trampled under Mo Gao's feet. Even though the Mo family had handled the matter well, there was no waterproof wall in this world. Mo Su still became the laughingstock of the entire T City business circle.