Chapter 514. It's All Wrong

 However, the tense atmosphere did not last long. After Xiao Ting took a deep breath, the underworld gate commander, sitting next to him in full armor, spoke.

 "When we came here just now, we even took a detour. I found that there is a problem with your defense today! There are several forks in the road behind the Mo Corporation's building on the right. You didn't send anyone to guard it. Do you want to block people at the Mo Corporation's gate and fight? Are you all that confident that you can protect so many people? Is this the only number of people in the entire police station?"

 Zhuang Xian's eyes were fixed on Xiao Ting as she criticized the police's defense without hesitation.

 If it wasn't for the time constraint, Zhuang Xian wanted to lead Xiao Ting to the few intersections and let him see the sieve-like security guards.

 If the other party were brilliant, they would have already sneaked into their encirclement by now!