Chapter 515. Assassination Attack

 As Zhuang Xian spoke, she looked at Zhang Tao and continued instructing, "Drive the car back to the intersection we came in from and find a place to set up an ambush. When Minister Fang arrives later, be on full alert!"

 Zhang Tao acknowledged in a low voice, but her eyes were fixed on Xiao Ting in the car. When she saw that her order had finally brought him back to his senses, she stared at Xiao Ting coldly and said, "Hurry up and get out of the car to carry out the mission! Don't tell me you don't understand my orders?"

 Xiao Ting knew that he had made a big mistake. He nodded at Zhuang Xian and turned to get out of the car.

 Just as he picked up the walkie-talkie and was about to call the people at the airport back, the black off-road vehicle behind him sped out. At the same time, he saw a few black government commercial vehicles turn into the intersection not far away!