Chapter 520. Did You Collect The Corpse in Time?

  "In time?" An intense and slightly hoarse voice rang out in the hall.

 Mo Qian's dark and gloomy eyes had been looking out the door the entire time.

 Zhuang Xian was hiding behind a flower bed that was only half a person's height, more than ten meters away from the Mo family's main entrance.

 Today's combat conditions were terrible. The field before the Mo Corporation was too vast, and the cover was excellent. When they confronted the Japanese killers, it was like playing a shooting game.

 Although the underworld gate's 16-man Special Agent squad had temporarily suppressed the enemy's firepower, they could not take the initiative to attack because the enemy had too many people, and snipers were lying in wait in the dark. They could not engage in a head-on battle with the enemy and were in a stalemate.