Chapter 521. Scared Fang Dong to Death

He also had to take the ideas of everyone who was blocked here!

 In Minister Dong Fang's heart, he regarded himself as the most important person on the scene. It was as if everyone had to listen to him alone.

 Sitting closest to the gate, Mo Qian did not care much about Fang Dong's questions and suggestions. He picked up the black pistol, and Fang Dong widened his eyes and looked in this direction. He raised the gun horizontally and pointed the muzzle at Fang Dong.

 Just when Fang Dong and Xiao Ting thought that Mo Qian had gone crazy and was about to attack his people, Mo Qian pulled the trigger with a dark face. The bullet flew out of the muzzle and pierced Fang Dong's air, entering the shoulder of a sneaky man behind Fang Dong.

 The gunshot was accompanied by screams from the crowd and the painful sound of the man being shot.