Chapter 549. What Riddle?

  Were they so close that they didn't even avoid people when they had such intimate contact?

 Li Qin thought about this silently and suddenly felt shocked by the rapid progress between Mo Qian and Zhuang Xian.

 He subconsciously gulped and widened his eyes slightly, staring straight at Zhuang Xian. After a while, he glanced sideways at Mo Qian.

On the other hand, Lin Feng slowly frowned and looked at the situation in front of him with a puzzled look.

 Zhuang Xian was a person with a strong sense of boundaries. She did not like to have intimate physical contact with people she was not familiar with. Even Li Qin, who was usually the closest to her, did not dare to have such casual and intimate contact with her, let alone people like them who were not very familiar with Zhuang Xian.

 This was also one of the reasons why Zhuang Xian was still unwilling to move despite their persuasion. They did not dare to force Zhuang Xian!