Chapter 550. Love Rivals Meet

"Did something happen that I don't know about? Why do I feel I've missed many important things?"

 As Li Qin spoke, he looked at Mo Qian apologetically. He was also very helpless about his sudden interruption of Mo Qian's words.

 However, if he did not do this, he felt that Mo Qian and Zhuang Xian would turn his brain into a paste in the next moment. Therefore, before he was baffled, he could only interrupt the conversation between Mo Qian and Zhuang Xian, hoping to get some information and answers from Mo Qian.

 Mo Qian, who was interrupted, turned his head and looked at Li Qin indifferently. He subconsciously turned the ring on his little finger. After a long silence, he raised his head and looked at Lin Feng and Zhang Yang behind Li Qin.

 "I have some important matters to discuss with your team leader and Li Qin. If possible, I hope to commandeer your dormitory! Thank you."