Chapter 607. Willfulness Only Towards You

 After combining Zhuang Hang's analysis and explanation, Zhuang Xian pretended to speak and said this decisively.

 Seeing that the doctor had already bandaged the wound on her left arm, Zhuang Xian put on her blood-stained coat with Lin En's help. Her face looked a little pale, and she was a little tired.

 Mo Qian did not miss any of Zhuang Xian's emotional changes. He looked at Zhuang Xian in silence, and the pain and helplessness in his heart seemed to overflow.

 Zhuang Xian put on her coat and looked at the people around her. After thinking for a moment, she said in a deep voice, "The cooperation between Mo, Ming En, and Doug Consortium is now a certainty. There will be many assassinations and attacks in the future. Today's situation is not the first and will not be the last! The police's protection for you is only temporary, so I suggest that when you go out in the future, you still have to take a lot of bodyguards!"