Chapter 608. What Stand Are You On?

When Lin En heard her eldest son's last sentence, she said, "...".

 She looked at Zhuang Bai strangely and complained in her heart, 'When did she filter Zhuang Xian? Their Xian' er had always been a perfect person! Was there a need to turn on the filter herself? What a joke!'

 Young Master Zhuang, who was still seriously asking questions, naturally did not know that his mother was speechless. He frowned slightly and said in a low voice, "I thought you only knew some self-defense martial arts. I never thought you knew martial arts and were so powerful! This is not a level that ordinary people can reach. Xian'er, you're not an ordinary person, right?

 Big Brother knows that your life has been rough in the past and that you have some skills that ordinary people don't have. I understand this is normal, but you're too mysterious and unique. This has far exceeded my expectations of you! I want to ask you a question now. I hope you can answer me honestly, okay?"