Authoress' pov 👠

Fast footsteps are heard.

Nicklaus approach the conference room in a long stride, with his female assistant tailing behind.. a ten feet behind though.

He stops outside the conference room and takes out his gloves, he quickly wears them.

He turn back to his assistant with a questioning, arch eyebrow.

She shows him her hands, she's already wearing her pair of gloves.

Nicklaus nods and let's her open the door, he walks into the conference room and everyone turns towards him.

His eyes settles on a big belly, beard man sitting by the right side of the table...

"That's Mr Gu, he's the current buyer of CLEAN FIRST!"

He hears his assistant's whispering voice in his bluetooth, perfectly attached to his ear.

He nods and walks straight to his chair.. he leans back on his chair and clears his throat.

"Mr Gu, this is Mr Statham... the CEO and founder of Statham technology and inventor of CLEAN FIRST!" Nicklaus's assistant introduced him.

Mr Gu stretches out his hand for a hand shake but Nicklaus refuses to accept it.

Mr Gu awkwardly retreats his hand and chuckles nervously... he adjusts himself on his chair.

"My assistant told me you proposed to buy CLEAN FIRST at 15million, correct?" Nicklaus asked him.

"Proposed?" Mr Gu shakes his head. "No! Your assistant and I came to agreement already, that's why I'm here... to pay!"

The people that came with Mr Gu nods... Nicklaus leans back on his chair, making him look imposing.

"I'm not selling it to you!"

Mr Gu frowns.


"Here at Statham, honesty is our number 1 policy. We expect whoever that is doing business with us.. or about to do business with us to be honest!"

Nicklaus nods at his assistant, she turn the projector on and display some ratings on the board.

"What's the meaning of this, Mr Statham?" Mr Gu asked.

Everyone's attention is solely on the white board.

"That is the current market price, similar vacuum cleaners like CLEAN FIRST are selling at $60,000,000 and they are not the same quality as our CLEAN FIRST!"

Nicklaus pause and gets up from his chair, he walks towards Mr Gu and stand behind him.

"I believe you as a businessman already did your research and you know this.. then why are you trying to defraud us?"

Mr Gu scoffs.

"How are we sure it's better than other similar products?"

Nicklaus walks back to his chair and stand behind his chair.

"It's personally tasted by me. Our CLEAN FIRST can detect every little, tiny dust other similar products can't find!"

He studies Mr Gu and smirk inwardly, he knows Mr Gu can't afford it.

"But it's a new product and I don't think anyone is willing to buy it higher than 15million!" Mr Gu said.

"Really?" Nicklaus shakes his head. "If I decide not to sell it and let my company launch it as our latest product..."

Nicklaus trails off and raised an eyebrow at Mr Gu.

"I believe I don't need to remind you how much I'll make from it!"

Mr Gu starts grumbling, then Nicklaus's assistant signals Nicklaus that he has an incoming call.

"Mr Orson is calling" she said into the bluetooth.

"Receive it!" Nicklaus orders.

She did and Mr Orson appears on the board since she haven't disconnected the projector.

"Claudia, where's Mr Statham?" Mr Orson asked Claudia... after all, she's the one he can see since she's facing the laptop.

"Speak, Mr Orson.. Mr Statham can hear you!"

There's a brief moment of silence.

"Mr Statham I have made up my mind, I wanna buy CLEAN FIRST at... $60,000,000!"

Mr Gu's mouth falls open at the price Mr Orson is offering.. Nicklaus smirks when he sees this.

"Mr Orson, I told you I'm not selling it any less than a $100,000,000!" Nicklaus said.

"I know, I know..."

Mr Orson sighs.

"... okay, please, let me pay $80,000,000, please!"

"I think you still need some time to think Mr Orson!"

"No, no, no... let me pay $90,000,000..."

"Call me back when you've carefully thought it through!" Nicklaus said and signals Claudia to end the call.

Nicklaus turns to Mr Gu who is just staring blankly at the board. Nicklaus taps on the table and Mr Gu turns back to him.

"It's concluded, Mr Gu, you can't afford this product"

"B-but.. your assistant and I already came to an agreement..."

"I have the final say!" Nicklaus said and walk towards the door.

Claudia opens the door and he steps out, they head straight to the elevator.

"Which floor are we headed, Mr Statham?"

"First floor!"

Claudia hits the button and they wait as the elevator goes down.

Soon it stops and the doors open, Nicklaus steps out and headed for the exit.. Claudia quickly follows.

"Mr Statham, are we going for a meeting?"

"Clear my schedule for the whole day, I'm heading back home!"

"Yes, sir!"

Nicklaus stops in front of his car, his driver (Graham) takes his laptop and briefcase from Claudia.

Graham opens back seat door.

"Mr Statham, please!"

Nicklaus gets in and Graham shuts the door.. he also quickly gets in the driver's seat and he starts the car and drives into the road.

Nicklaus look around the car and frown.

"Graham, this isn't the car we came in, correct?"

"Y-yes, sir!"

"Then why did you change the car?"

Graham licks his lower lip and grips the wheel tighter, thinking of what to say.

"I asked a question!"

"I.. I took it to...." He trails off.

He looks through the rearview mirror and sees Nicklaus looking sternly at him.

"Car wash!" He said quickly.

"Car wash?"

"Yes, sir.. I took it to a car wash!"

"Hmm!" Nicklaus simply hums.


Anastasia's pov 👠

Stuffing the last bite of hamburger in my mouth, I close my eyes and chew with a satisfied smile.

No shitty Lamborghini can spoil my day... I already have a 9million hanging on my neck... And he wants to add his own millons?


I take large gulp from my coffee and look outside the cafe's window.

Everyone is busy outside, everyone is going on with their own business... I'm the only one with no business right now!

What should I do now?

I blew up my only chance of working in a good company, where I would have gotten a good pay.

Now, I'll have to go back to my delivery services tomorrow!

I bang my head on the table gently, releasing a frustrated groan.

"Hey, there, are you ok?" I heard a male voice asked.

"Just go away, I'm not ok.. I'm going nuts!" I said sadly without raising my head.

I heard him chuckles lightly, I heard him pulls out a chair and sits down.. I raised my head and see he's older than me by a few years.

Let's say 4, 5 or 6 years older.

"Hi, I'm Marcus Aurelius... I have been watching you and I notice you're in a bad mood.. so I just came over to check on you!"

"Hmm!" I hum.

He chuckles again.

"No matter what you're going through, you shouldn't think of committing suicide..."

"Suicide?!" I frown.

When did he see me trying to commit suicide?

"Yeah.. banging your head on the table is an attempted suicide!" He said.

I stare at him briefly then burst into laughter... He thinks I'm committing suicide?

"I'm not committing suicide, ok"

"Then why were you banging your head on the table?" He asked with a serious frown.

I roll my eyeballs.

"I was just venting my frustrations.. everyone does that when they're feeling frustrated!"


I laugh at his clueless expression.. I scan his clothes.

He's dressed in an expensive suit, I guess he's a rich man... I scoff and get up carrying my bag and credentials.

I don't wanna be around any rich man, I can't afford to pay for his suit if I mistakenly spill coffee on it.. just like I crash that car.

Who knows if his suit costs a $20,000,000!

"Hey!" He grabs my hand.


"Where are you going?" He asked.

I scoff.. obviously away from you! But I didn't tell him that.

"I'm going home or my day will just keep getting worse if I don't go home now!"

I think a well deserved rest will set things right.

"Oh, ok..."

He dips his hand in his pocket and brings out a small card.

".. well, here's my card, call me whenever you need my help!"

I nod and throw it in my bag, I flash him a smile.

"Er... that's a good bye!" I said and rush out before he can say something else.

I reach for my phone as I walk towards the main road... Maybe I should give Tilda a call and ask how her interview is going.

I just hope she doesn't have a bad luck like me...no! I should check my account balance first...I just bought a cup of coffee and a hamburger.

I'm too engross in my phone and I didn't realize when I walk into the road... the sound of tires squealing makes me stop walking abruptly.

I turn towards the sound and see a car coming towards me in great speed.

A loud squeal leaves my mouth and.... black out!


Authoress' pov 👠

"Sh*t!" Graham exclaims and steps on the brakes at once.

He stared at the road with his eyes wide open in shock.

"What the hell, Graham?!" Nicklaus asked.

The sudden break has push him forward, making his forehead hit the front seat.

"A lady suddenly collapse in front of our car, sir!"

"Did you hit her?"

Graham shakes his head.

"No, no! I swear, I didn't hit her..."

"Then cut the crap and go check out what happened!" He orders him.

"Yes, sir!" Graham said and quickly steps out.

He rush towards the body, he turns her and gasp..."It's her!" He whispers.

He glares at her unconscious form and clenched his jaw.. his mind going back to the damaged bumper.

"Why are you just staring at her?" An onlooker asked.

"I didn't hit her!" Graham tries to defend himself.

Another onlooker scoffs loudly.

"Even if you didn't hit her, she passed out in front of your car.. are you gonna leave her here and run away?!"

"But..." Graham couldn't find any words to say.

He wonders if he's curse to come across this lady today... first, it was his boss's car's bumper... now it's her almost getting hit by him.

"Someone should call cops, we can't let him run away!" Another onlooker said.

Graham feel his phone vibrate in his pocket, he reaches for it and sees Nicklaus's name flashing on the screen.

"Mr Statham... "

"Bring her to the car!" Nicklaus cuts him off.

"Yes, si..... "

Nicklaus hangs up before he can finish his sentence.

Graham carries her towards the car and puts her in the passenger seat... he fasten her seatbelt before going back to the driver's seat.

He turns on the ignition.

"Sir, should we take her to the hospital?"

He looks through the rearview mirror and sees Nicklaus glaring at him... he then remembers that Nicklaus hates hospitals.

"Is she wounded?"

"No, sir!"

"Then take her to my mansion... send her away whenever she wakes up!"

"Yes, sir!" With that Graham steps on the gas.


Graham drives into the garage and parks the car, he rushes over to Nicklaus side and opens the door.

Nicklaus steps out and looses his necktie a little bit.

"I'll be in my study, don't let me see her later!"


Nicklaus glances at the lady.

"She should be gone before I step out of my study!" Nicklaus said.

"Yes, sir!"

Nicklaus walks away. Graham walks over to her and carry her out, he grabs Nicklaus's briefcase.

He heads inside the mansion... soon he arrives at the master's bedroom.. he decides to keep Nicklaus's briefcase before taking her to a guest room.

He lays her on the bed and takes the briefcase to the closet.

By the time he comes back, she's take off her jacket and blouse.. leaving her bra on.

Graham quickly look away and curse silently.

"What should I do now? Boss is so gonna go mad!" He murmurs.

He glares at her sleeping form with a balled fist.

"Boss is allergic to women, I can't let her sleep on his bed.. what if he comes in and see this?"

He sighs and leans forward to wear her, her jacket.. but he received a slap from her instead.

"Sh*t! I thought she passed out!"

He sighs deeply while rubbing his cheek.

"I'll just distract Mr Statham until she wakes up!" Graham said.

He glares at her one last time before heading out.


Anastasia's pov 👠

I yawn and stretch on my bed, this is the most comfortable sleep I've had in years!

I turn and snuggle into my warm soft pillow, sleeping on a soft bed is like living in heaven.

My eyes suddenly snaps open when something occurs to me...I quickly sit up.

Since when did my bed become soft?

Wait.. bed?!

Last I remember was...I was walking with my phone in my hand, checking my account balance and then....

Oh, no! Could it be I've died and now I'm in heaven?! What about Denzel and my aunt? What are they gonna do?

How are they coping with the news of my death?!

I open my mouth and begin to wail loudly.

"Denzel.. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry.. I didn't wanna go.. aunt.. Denzel... I..."

I swallow my cries when I heard a loud bang, my neck snaps towards the direction and a man rushes to me.

"Shhh!" He hushed me.

I nod and grab his hand.

"Quickly tell me, where am I?" I asked.

I must find a way to go back to earth... I still need to work hard to save Denzel.

He snatches his hand from me and throws me a glare.

"I suggest you put on your dress first!" He said.

I look down and realize I'm in only my bra, my eyes quickly scan the place and I see my blouse and jacket by the edge of the bed.

My hands finds their way to my chest immediately and I glare at him.

"You pervert! What are you doing in heaven? What did you do to me?"

Did he touch me? But I don't feel strange or any pains..I feel fine.

Maybe he didn't do anything to me...He scoffs.

"Heaven? You're in Mr Statham's mansion and I suggest you put on your clothes real quick!"

I frown.. so I'm not in heaven? I didn't die? I sighed in great relief.. that's good!

"Cover yourself!"


Without wasting time, I reach for my blouse and wears it.. I also grab my jacket too.

"So... what happened? Why am I here?" I asked.

"You passed out in front of my boss's car!"

His boss's car? Those words sound awfully familiar... I hop off the bed.

"Thank you for bringing me home and letting me rest here for a while... Also, I'm sorry for any trouble I might have caused you!"

He laughs.

"It seems you don't recognize me"

I frown.

"Am I supposed to?"

He stays silent for a few minutes and stares at me with a smirk.

"You broke my boss's car's bumper this morning.. have you forgotten?"

My eyes grow wide.. now I know why those words sound familiar!

I release a nervous laugh and take slow, cautious steps towards the door.

"I thought we've settled that issue already"

"By gifting me a rusty, old truck? Who's gonna buy it? How much will I even get from it if I manage to sell it?" He asked.

I scratch my head.

"Hmm.. that seem like a YOU problem!" I reply.

"Not at all, it's a OUR problem.. I'm not taking that truck, you must pay the 2million!" He said seriously.

"Then you'll have to sell me!"

"Sell you?"

"Yeah! Because I'm broke.. I have 9million hanging on my neck, now you wanna add an extra 2million?"

"But that's not my problem!"

I laugh.

"Of course it's not, but newsflash I don't have even two thousand on me.. I'm a jobless, broke girl"

He narrows his eyes at me before nodding.

"Then I'm afraid the police will be involved!"

"Just kill me instead, after all, I'll no longer work my ass off to raise 9million for my brother's operation.. you'll foot the bills, then I'll rest in peace inside my grave!"

He draws his eyebrows together.

"You think I'm joking about involving the cops?"

I scoff.

"Do you think I'm joking about my brother needing a 9million to save his life?"

"But I didn't ask about your brother!" He said.

"But I'm telling you about my brother!"

He points his finger at me.

"You.... "

His phone ringtone cuts him off, he deeps his hand in his pocket and reach for his phone.

He answers the call.

"Mr Statham... "

Wait, is that not his boss? He might tell him about the broken bumper!

I should better run away from here.. but my bag. My eyes sees it at the foot of the bed.. my credentials next to it.

I grab them and dash out of the room when I feel like he's not watching.

"Hey! Stop there!" He yells but I didn't look back.

I run down the stairs and enters the living room, my eyes on the door as I head for it.. I open it and run out.

I heard his footsteps behind me but I quickly lost him since I'm very good at racing.

Finally, I made it out of the compound but that doesn't stop me from running.


Authoress' pov 👠

Nicklaus walks into his bedroom, he frown at how scattered his blanket and sheets are.

But he's too tired to complain, he takes off his suit and toss it on a couch.. he kicks his shoes off and falls on the bed.

He sniffs the sheets as a sweet fragrance swifts through his nose.

"Did the laundry man change his washing soap?" He wonders.

He sniffs it again and smile.

"I like this soap!" He said to himself.

Soon he's already snoring. Meanwhile, Graham couldn't catch Anastasia.

So he decides to go back and change the sheets before Nicklaus goes back to take a nap.. else, he's gonna get those rashes again.

He steps into Nicklaus's room and freeze on his spot.. his eyes grows wide when he sees Nicklaus already sleeping on the bed.

He knows what happens if Nicklaus touches a woman or uses what a woman has touch.

"Sh*t! I'm fired!"

To be continued.