Anastasia's pov 👠

I smile as I saw my apartment ahead of me...finally, I got away from that driver.

I rushed towards the door, but I'm surprised to see Matilda's truck parked outside.

When did she get it back? No, how did she get it back? I wonder.

I open the door to our apartment and step in, I walk towards a couch and slumps onto it.

"Tasia, is that you?" Matilda asked from the kitchen.

"Yeah..." I answered.

I dump my bag next to me and take in a long breath.

Matilda walks out from the kitchen and drops a plate of toasted bread on my laps.. I smile at her.

"Thank you!"

"You're welcome, baby!" She replies.

I pick the bread and take a large bite, I chew quickly.

"Hey! Don't choke on my bread, I don't want your aunt to arrest me for murdering her niece!" Matilda said.

I chuckle, if only she knew how far I've run this afternoon. Running for your life after causing trouble is real work.

Few minutes later, we're done eating. I reach for the glass of water Matilda placed on the table.. I take a few gulps and drops it.

I burp quietly.

"How was your interview, Tilda?"

She breaks into a smile and wag her eyebrows excitedly.

"I got the job!" She hugs me tightly.

I hug her back and smile, at least one of us succeeded in getting a job.

"Congratulations, Tilda!"

She pulls away from the hug and holds my hands.

"What about you? How did your interview go?"

I sighed deeply, the excitement on Matilda's face wipes off when she sees my sad expression.

"What happened? Why are you sighing?" She asked.

"I blew it up"

She frowns.

"What do you mean?" She asked again.. her frown deepens.

I withdraw my hands from hers and folds them across my chest.

"I didn't get the job!"

"What?! Why?!"

She makes a surprise expression and look like she's thinking about something...she looks at my outfit.

"You are officially dressed.. and even though you're an undergraduate your CV is pretty good..."

She doesn't know I didn't get the job because of these...

"... I don't understand why you didn't get the job!"

"I arrived late and lied about arriving early... so I was thrown out for being dishonest!" I told her.

Her mouth just stayed open as I told her the reason I didn't get the job.

"But that's a little white lie.. everyone tells a little white lie to save their asses!"


"Yeah.. you needed the job so bad and you can't afford to lose your chance...."

I didn't expect Tilda to have the same thought as I..i thought she'd call me a fool for lying.

"...so you told a white lie to secure it, what's wrong about that?"

I humphed.

"Too bad, I was thrown out!"

Matilda humph and flips her hair... she place her hands on my shoulders.

"Baby girl, forget about that job.. it's not for you. A better job will come your way soon!" She said.

I know she's just trying to cheer me up.

"I hope so... I just needed money so bad for.. you know..." I trail off.

Matilda understand what I mean, after all, she's my childhood friend.. she knows everything about my family.

"Don't worry, Tasia, we're in this together... We'll both raise the money together!"

I smile at her.

"Thank you, Tilda!"

"There are no thank yous between us.. we're not just best friends.. we're sisters!"

I nod and pull her into a brief hug, I don't know what would have become me if Tilda is not here.

"What I want from you is to go back to school.. you can't suspend your education like this!"

"I have to.. if I wanna raise Denzel's operation money!"


"Don't worry, Tilda" I cut her off politely.

She stares at me with a broken expression.. as if she's gonna burst into tears anytime.

"My education can wait, I'm already in my final year.. I'll go back to graduate when I'm sure Denzel is healthy again!"

"I understand!"

Then a brief, comfortable silence fall on us.. until Matilda breaks it.

"Right.. I got a call from someone to go get my truck from Statham enterprise...." She trails off and study my expression.

I groan mentally, I know she's gonna ask about it sooner or later.

".. care telling me what happened? And why did you decide to abandon my baby?"

Well, I can't tell her I gifted her truck to someone because I broke their bumper.



"What happened that made you abandon my baby?"

I flash her a smile.

"I was too sad to drive" I say the first words that came to my mind.

"You were too sad to drive?"

"Yeah.. you know, after getting all excited that you're getting a place in your dream company, only to get kicked out..."

I sighed and feign being deeply sad.

".. I swear, no one can survive that!"

Matilda eyes me suspiciously.

"Then why did you survive it?" She asked.

I laugh.. she doesn't know I almost didn't survive it.

"It was the lord's doing!"


The blaring of my ringtone cuts her phone, I sigh in relief and reach for my phone.

If someone tells me my phone will save me from Tilda someday, I wouldn't believe them.

An unknown number flashes on the screen.. I stare at it with a frown, trying to figure out if this number has called me before.

But unfortunately, I don't recognize it.

"Are you gonna answer it?" Matilda asked.

I quickly answer it and takes it toy ear.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hello, Miss Lopez!" A male voice speak.

I frown because even the voice doesn't sound familiar.

"Sorry.. but who am I speaking with?" I asked.

I just pray it's one of those companies where I had submitted my CV.. wait, why is everything about job to me?

"Have you forgotten me so soon?"

I stay quiet.

"Broken bumper.. does it sound familiar?".

My eyes grows wide. How did that weird drive get my number?

Matilda is staring at me curiously, I guess she's wondering who called me.

I can't speak about the broken bumper in front of her... I get up and head to my room.

I step in and shut the door.

"How did you get my number?" I whisper-yell at him.

"I got it from your files.. why were you even carrying your files along with you?"

"That's none of your business!" I said harshly to him.

God, when am I gonna get away from this guy's trouble?

I hear him clear his voice.

"I called to let you know that my boss just fell asleep on the bed with the sheets you slept on..if anything happens to him, I'll hold you responsible!"

I frown.


"I said if something happens to my boss... "

"I heard you the first time!" I cut him off.

"I don't see why I will be held responsible If something happens to your boss after sleeping on his own bed!" I said.

I mean, it doesn't even make any sense! Why should I be blamed for something I know nothing about?

"That's because my boss is allergic to...."

"Hey, wait.. I don't wanna know the reason, I don't care to know...I did nothing wrong, you and your boss should look for someone else to trouble.. I'm not available!"


"No buts, I'm gonna hang up!"

He scoffs.

"Just know that I have your number now.. I'll keep in touch!"

I hang up and toss my phone in a corner angrily. I thought I have successfully escape from him.. humph!

With the way he's scared of his boss, it's making me curious who exactly his boss is.

Is he so scary? I bet he's an old, fat belly and ugly beard man!

All these rich bosses, always behaving as if they're God.. as it they own the whole world!

I fall on my bed and sigh.

Hmm, I should better start looking for job vacancies online now.

To be continued.