Authoress' pov 👠

Statham enterprise...

"Good morning, Mr Statham!" Claudia greets immediately Nicklaus steps out of his car.

But Nicklaus ignores her greeting...and head in with his anger from earlier, still pumping in his veins.

The once noisy floor quiets down immediately he steps in.. they can all feel his anger as he walks in.

He's scowling all the way, his hands tucked in his pocket and nobody can tell if he's clenching his fists or not.

Everyone concentrated on their work because nobody wants to have a taste of his anger this morning.

He finally stops at the elevator, Graham presses the open button and they walk in when it opens.

He presses the 27th button and they silently wait until they arrived at Nicklaus's floor.. the elevator doors open and they steps out.

"Are you gonna tell me my schedule for today? Or you're just Claudia's lookalike doll?!" Nicklaus growls, walking towards his office.

Claudia quickly opens her note and glances through it.. while Graham bites back a laugh at Nicklaus's last question.

"Mr Statham, you have lunch with Mr Orson by 1:30pm...."

"Why 1:30pm?! That's my nap time!" Nicklaus said, pushing the door to his office open.

He steps into his office and walks straight to his big chair, he unbuttons his jacket and sits down.

"I'm sorry, Mr Statham.. Mr Orson told me he's landing LA at 12pm. So I...."

Nicklaus raises his hand, cutting her off.

"Anything else on my schedule?" He asked.

She looks at her note and shakes her head.

"No, sir, but today is..." She trails off.

Nicklaus picks a file on his table, he opens it and glances through it.. he raises his head when he realizes Claudia is not speaking.

"Today is what?" He asked.

Claudia clears her throat quietly.

"Your father's death anniversa...."

Nicklaus clenches his teeth and closes his eyes briefly, he sucks in some air and puffs them out.

"Do the usual" he said.

"The usual? Aren't you gonna visit his gra... "

He slams his fist down onto his desk so hard that the files on the table shake.. he swallowed down his frustration.

Claudia flinches back from shock...or fear.

"Go order some goddamn flowers!" He growls.

Claudia nods quickly and rushes out, leaving Graham inside.

Graham watches Nicklaus cautiously as he looks around his table.

"And now, where the hell is my coffee?!"

"I'll go get you one, Mr Statham!" Graham said and rushes before Nicklaus can reply him.



Nicklaus drops his pen and push aside the last file he just finished signing... He massages his forehead and yawns tiredly.

His gaze moves to his wrist watch, he picks his office phone and calls Claudia in.

In a few minutes, Claudia has find her way to his office.

"Mr Statham you called for me?"

"It's almost time, have you confirmed everything?"

Claudia quickly looks away from Nicklaus, that confidence in wish she walked into his office.. is suddenly gone.

"M-mr... Mr Statham..."

Nicklaus leans back on his chair and folds his arm around his chest.. his eyes narrowing down at he glares at Claudia awaiting her excuse.

"Mr Statham, I'm sorry... I didn't remember to make a reservation in time.. so there aren't any..." She trails off.

Nicklaus raises an eyebrow.

"There aren't any what?!"

Claudia stays silent briefly and speaks quickly.

"There aren't any table left!"

"Then check in with other restaurants or hotels!"

"I did, sir, but they're all booked"

Nicklaus shuts his eyes and sigh.

"Claudia?" He calls still not opening his eyes.

"Yes, Mr Statham"

"Do you know why I haven't fired you?"

Claudia shakes her head but Nicklaus didn't see her because his eyes are closed.

"Do you wanna know why I'm still tolerating you?"

"Yes, sir"

Nicklaus opens his eyes.

"Because I promised your dad I'll take good care of you.. you know that, don't you?"

"Yes, sir, I know"

"Good! Don't do something that will make me break that promise!"

Claudia nods quickly, folding her lips in her mouth.

"Now go and find another alternative!"

"Yes, sir"

She turns and head to the door, but stop and turn when she remembers something.

"Mr Orson's PA called, they have landed LA few minutes ago!"

"Hmm!" Nicklaus hums and waves her off.


Anastasia's pov 👠

A happy smile spread over my face, seeing how packed our coffee shop is, is giving me great joy.

It's just our opening day, but we've got so many customers already.

"I see you've been smiling non-stop!" Jack whisper in my ear.

I pull out a stool and sit on it, next to the counter where he's standing.

"I can't stop smiling when I'm making money!" I reply.

Jack laughs and shakes his head, he makes a cup of coffee whipped with extra cream and hands it to me.

"Thank you!" I told him and take a sip.

I close my eyes and lick my lower lip as I savour the taste in my tongue.

"You're welcome, senorita!"

My eyes glance around the shop, some of our customers are already done with their coffees and are leaving.

"Jesus, I don't believe we'd have so many customers today!" I said.

Jack looks around and nods in agreement.

"Yeah, me too!"

My eyes catches a customer drop a large tip on his table before heading out.

I quickly rush to the table and picks it... I count the money and my eyes grew wide.

"That's a lot of tips!" Jack said walking towards me.

"Are we supposed to share this?" I asked.. silently praying he'd say no.

He laughs and snatches it from me, he race back to the drawer where he keeps money.

"Hey! I'm the waitress, that's supposed to be mine!"

"These money are Denzel's!" He said.

I didn't argue anymore, I sighed and sits down. Just then, Matilda walks in looking angry.

Jack and I shared a look, we're surprise to see her here because she's supposed to be at work.

She pulls out another stool and sits down, tossing her bag randomly on the counter.. knocking off some glasses.

"Give me one cup of ice tea!" She demands.

Jack quickly get on with it, she breaths heavily as she scowls.

"Tilda, are you ok?" I asked.

"No, I'm not!" She replies quickly.

Jack comes back with her cup of ice tea and places it in front of her.

She reaches for it and finishes it in one gulp, then slams the glass on the table. I flinch back slightly, same as Jack.

"What's wrong, Tilda? Why are you back from work so early?" I asked.

"I'm not going back to that crappy company.. I'm never going back!"

"Why? What happened?"

She glares blankly at a particular spot on the counter.

"The boss is a douchebag! How dare he?" She exclaims.

I frown, it's rare to see Matilda being so angry, I wonder what her boss did to her.

There's a small deskphone on the counter, it starts ringing..he excuse us and quickly rush to receive the call.

I tone him out and faces Matilda.

"What did your boss do?" I asked.

"He's not my boss, he's my ex boss!"

I nod and sigh.

"Ok, what did your ex boss do?"

"He is a big time womanizer, he thought I'm like those sl*ts that is desperate for jobs... "

I frown...ok, I know where this is going.... maybe her boss wanted to harass her sexually.

"... I gave him the beating of his life and I quit the job!" She said.

I almost laugh at her expression as she describes how she beat up her boss.

And I believe her because Matilda is a man in a woman's body...Jack comes back with a big smile on his face.

"Tasia, Tasia!" He calls me.

"Hmm" I hums and finishes my coffee in a gulp.

"Go clear a table, we are gonna receive a VIP customer!" He said excitedly.

We're already receiving VIP customers? That's quick...not that I'm complaining though.

Chat FIRSTLADY on plus two two eight ninety one fifty four three thousand to be added on her story group

"Tasia! Did you hear me?" He asked.

"Yeah, yeah!" I replied "Tilda, I'll be back!" I head to an empty table by a window.

I begin to dust and clean the table, making sure it's sparkling clean.

Soon I'm done cleaning, I flings the rag on my shoulder and turn to go back to the counter.. but I suddenly bump into someone.

Hot coffee pour on my chest and I scream.


I look down at my chest, not minding my stained white dress, I check if I'm injured and luckily I'm not.

"What the hell?! Are you blind?!" I hear a angry husky voice roar.

I feel a flash of irritation burst from the pit of my stomach.. I raised my head with a very harsh glare...his head bows as he wipes his pants.

"Can't you see you're the blind one?! Your coffee is all over me!" I yelled at him.

He raises his head and... Oh my God! He's a rare creature, I lost myself staring at his face.

His smooth, sharp jawline.. straight pointed nose... perfect shed of gray eyes.. pink lips that's tempting me to reach out and touch them.

His suit hugs his body perfectly, I can practically see his hard chest muscles..I can tell how strong his abs are.

He stands so tall which makes me feel so short...how can someone be so perfectly handsome.

I have never seen someone so perfect before... like there are no flaws on him.

I bite my lower lip, forgetting I am angry at him for spilling hot coffee on me.

"... Tasia?" Matilda's voice pulls me out of my daze.

"What?" I asked her, my eyes not leaving the fine wine.

"Are you ok? Did you get hurt?" Jack ask.

I nod and smile.

"I'm fine!"

A female rushes to Mr perfect, she wanted to wipe his shirt but he stops her...she looks at him with tenderness.

I feel a burning sensation burst from within me and I don't know why.

It can't be I'm having a crush on him already... No!

"Mr Statham are you ok?" I hear her ask Mr perfect.

He ignores her and glares at me, I frown.

"Apologise!" He demanded.

I stared at him with a small frown.

"You seriously want me to apologise?"

I scoff... looking around, some customers are watching us.

I decide to ignore him to avoid creating a scene...this is our opening day, I can't afford to make a bad impression.

I wanted to leave but he blocks my way.

"I said apologise!" He demanded again.

Now it's official, I can't contain my anger anymore.

"I believe that's my line, I can't apologise to you after you spill your coffee on me!" I said.

I can't believe I'm drooling over this rude a**hole a minute ago.

"Apologise!" He demanded again.

Why is he only saying apologise?! Doesn't he knows another word?!

Jack pulls me back gently and whisper to me.

"Tasia, just apologise, he's our VIP customer!"

This statement angered me.

"What if he's the VIP customer?! Does that mean he can wrong me?!" I said loudly so he can hear.

I can feel his pulse raise as he breaths heavily, almost as if he would burst.

"I don't get why he's angry, he spilled coffee on me and he should apologise.. but he didn't, instead, he's demanding me to apologise?"

Jack didn't say anything or he didn't have anything to say.

Mr Statham or whatever his girlfriend just called him, balled his fist.

"Get me out of here, the service here is too poor!" He said.

I scoff loudly again.

"That's because you're a mannerless, idiotic cock!"

He shuts his eyes and gulps loudly as if swallowing his anger.

"Don't. Ever. Cross. My. Path. Again!" He grits out

He snatches a handkerchief from his girlfriend and wipes his hands.

"Who knows what might happen to this small shop of yours!" He said and angrily walks out of the shop.

I glares at his back until he's out of sight.

"Tasia, that was hot! I knew you were crazy but I didn't know you are this crazy!" Tilda said.. giving me a high five.

Jack sighs and slumps onto a chair as if his life is over.

"Yeah, her craziness just landed us in trouble!" He said.

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"What trouble?" I asked.

"That is Mr Statham.. CEO and founder of Statham technology.. the most ruthless businessman!"

Matilda and I shared a confused look.

"So...?" Matilda asked.

"We should just hope and pray nothing happens to our shop!"

"What's gonna happen?" I asked.

Jack stares at me briefly.

"If he's lenient, we'll lose a great deal of customers.. if he's not, our names will be blacklist and we won't get job anywhere in the country!" He said.

I frown. I simply put him in his place, is telling him the truth and making him know he's wrong a crime?

"He's a bluff, he can't blacklist our names since he doesn't own the country!"

"He can and he will if he wants to.. he owns almost every company in the country.."

Jack gets up and walk slowly back to the counter.

"... We're doomed!" He said.

Is he being serious? Did my smart mouth really just landed us in trouble?

"Tasia, don't listen to Jack.. that man can't shut down your business!"

I didn't reply her but silently hope and pray she's right.. I can't afford to cause Jack any trouble.

To be continued.
