Authoress' pov 👠

In a fit great of anger, Nicklaus walks out of the small coffee shop.

Claudia rushes after him.

Graham opens the door and Nicklaus slides into the back seat.. Graham shuts it.

He got into the driver's seat and wait until Claudia gets into the passenger seat.. he starts the car and drives into the road.

"I said find another alternative... was that the alternative you found?!" Nicklaus growls.

"I'm sorry, Mr Statham. I couldn't find any other place...."

"Shut up!" Nicklaus cuts her off. " Write a review about that shop right now!"

"Yes, Mr Statham!"

His phone vibrates in his pocket and he reach for it...he saw a message from Rhoda.

*We're visiting dad's grave later...are you coming?*

He ignores the message and keeps the phone back in his pocket.

"Reschedule this meeting.. call Mr Orson and inform him about the change of plans!" He told Claudia.

"Yes, sir!" She replies and gets herself busy.

Nicklaus throws his head back on his seat and closes his eyes.

His mind goes back to Rhoda's words this morning... and he clenches his jaw.

He knows he's being distancing himself from his family all these years.. but he isn't doing it intentionally.

The blaring of his phone's ringtone brings him back to reality...

He reaches for his phone and Marcus name appears on the screen. He quickly answers it.


"Yo, Nick, I've got something!" Marcus said.

"What did you get?"

"A voice recording... I don't know if you can get anything out of it but can you come by my place to check it out?"

"Yeah, I'll be there!" He said.

"Ok, I'll...."

Nicklaus hangs up and throws his phone back in his pocket.

"Graham, take me to Marcus home... then bring Claudia back to the office after!"

"Yes, Mr Statham!"

Claudia turns to Nicklaus from the front seat.

"Are you going somewhere?" She asked.

Nicklaus didn't reply her and she continues.

"But I just rescheduled your meeting with Mr Orson...."

"Make it tomorrow!" Nicklaus cuts her off firmly.

She nods and turns back to her note. Graham steps on the gas and drives off in speed.


Graham parks right outside Marcus Villa, Nicklaus steps out of the car and Graham drives off.

Nicklaus walks straight to the door and presses the bell button.

"Hold your horses!" Marcus yells from inside.

Soon the door opens and Marcus makes way for Nicklaus to come in.

"Why did you hang up on me, Nick?" He asked.

Nicklaus ignores him, with his hands tucked in his pockets.. he walks towards Marcus mini bar and sits on a stool.

"Don't you know it's rude to hang up on someone like that?" Marcus queries him.

"I have never been polite!" Nicklaus simply replies.

He reaches for a bottle of champagne and opens it.

"Hand me a glass!" He said.

Marcus eyes him and rolls his eyeballs before handing him a glass.. Nicklaus pours himself a glass of wine.

He shakes it a little, then takes a sip.

"Fresh!" He said.

Marcus sighs and sit on a opposite chair next to Nicklaus. He also reaches for a glass but before he could pour himself a wine.

Nicklaus slaps his hand away.

"Hey! I want some wine too.. we hardly have any time to drink together!" He said.

Nicklaus takes the champagne and places it out of Marcus's reach.

"Where's the recording?" Nicklaus asked.

"You're no fun! I wonder how I ended up being your best friend!"

"Yeah, I always ask myself that but never find an answer!" Nicklaus said.

Marcus huffs and jumps off the stool.. he heads towards his room.

"Where are you going?"

"To get the recording!"

Nicklaus nods and continues drinking his champagne... not up to five minutes, Marcus is back with his laptop.

He walks towards the dinning table.

"Nick, come over to the dinning table!" He calls Nicklaus over.

Nicklaus gets up and walk towards him, he sits opposite Marcus.. his glass of champagne still in his hand.

Marcus connects a drive to the laptop and presses a few buttons, then a voice starts talking.

*Kill him and make her your scape goat!* A female voice said.

The sound of a little girl crying is heard in the background.. her cries then turns into muffled whimpers.

*But she's just a little girl* a male voice speak.

*Little girl? Then why did she come here?*

Running footsteps are heard.

*Let her go!* an all too familiar boy's voice speak.

Nicklaus clenches his fist at this, he presses the pause button.

"This recording is useless.. I was there!" He said.. he's referring to the little boy.

That's him.. he was the little boy that demanded they let the girl go.

"It's not useless" Marcus said.

Nicklaus frowns slightly, expecting him to explain.

"Yes, you were there but you didn't see their faces.. they were wearing masks, we can only use their voices to track them down now!"

Nicklaus scoffs.

"Millions of people have similar voices... I just wanna find that girl and know what she saw!"

Nicklaus gets up and walk towards the window.

"Who were they.. how did she get there.. and who informed the police.. how did they escape?"

Marcus sigh and watch Nicklaus silently, he understands exactly what Nicklaus is feeling..

Nicklaus gulps down the champagne and drops the glass.

"Keep searching, I have to go!"

Marcus nods and gets up.

"Today's your father's death...."

"I know!" Nicklaus walks out.


Anastasia's pov 👠


"It seems like Jack is right!" Matilda groan.

She looks around our empty shop.. and sighs.

Since my argument with Mr Statham, there haven't being any customers...which makes me realize how reckless I've acted.

I should have just apologised instead. Only God knows what he's done to chase away our customers.

"I knew this would happen" Jack said.

He's currently counting the money we had already worked before that incident.

"But it's not Tasia's fault, that guy was rude!" Matilda said.

"He was rude but have you heard of this slogan.. customers are always right!"

"Customers are not always right, that guy poured hot coffee on Tasia.. so quit blaming her!"

Jack stops counting, probably because he's lost count.

"Look... Tilda, I'm not blaming Tasia, heck, I was angry at Mr Statham but...."

"Guys!" I cut Jack off.

I get off my stool and stand in front of them... My head hanging low as I play with my fingers.

"I'm sorry, really sorry...."


I shake my head at Matilda and continue.

"Jack you have every right to blame me...I shouldn't have spoke rudely to Mr Statham and our business wouldn't be in this mess!"

Jack sighs.

"Tasia, I'm not blaming you, ok?"

"But I want you to blame me. I did wrong...I promise I'll go over to Statham enterprise and apologise to Mr Statham... I'll get our business back to its feet!" I said.

I can't let Jack's hard work go to waste, he was just trying to help Denzel and I...I shouldn't create problems for him.

"Tasia, I'm not blaming you. You're the woman I lo...."

My phone vibrate in my pocket and I tone Jack off..I reach for my phone and sees Graham's name on the screen.

"Er...I have to take this!" I said and rush to a corner.

"Hello, Graham?" I answered the call.

"I have sent the $1000..did you receive it?" He asked.

I quickly check my inbox.. truly the money is there, a smile appear on my face.


"Good, hurry up now and head to my boss's home...I already spoke with the cook, he'll let you in!"

I frown, it's just 4pm.i thought we agreed 5:30pm...as if he heard my thoughts, he speaks.

"My boss is in a bad mood and can come early...so heard over there now!"

"Ok! On it!" I said and hang up.

I rush back inside the shop and grab my bag... Matilda and Jack frowns as they sees me hurrying.

"Hey, Miss Lopez, where are you rushing off to?" Matilda asked.

"I'm going to work!" I blurt out without paying attention to my words.

"Work?!" They both exclaimed.

I blink rapidly.

"Which work?" Jack asked.

I clear my throat and take slow steps backwards.

"I'll tell you guys when I'm back!" I turn around and run out before they could stop me.


Authoress' pov 👠

"These are the flowers I ordered, Mr Statham!" Claudia said with the flowers in her arms.

Nicklaus studies the flowers and nod in approval, he takes off his reading glasses and drops it on the table.

He get up from his chair and adjusts his suit.

"Let's go!" He said.

They walk out of his office and head straight for the elevator, they get in and wait until they arrive at the first floor.

They steps out and walk towards where Graham parks his car outside.

"Claudia, you can go home.. you're done for today!" Nicklaus tells her.

Claudia clears her throat.

"Mr Statham, how about I come over to your home and make you dinner?"

Nicklaus eyes her briefly.

"Be professional, Claudia... you're my PA, you should be just that!"

"But Mr Statham...."

"Go home!"

Nicklaus gets into his car, Graham also get in and drives off.

Claudia pouts and watch Nicklaus's car until it's out of sight... she scoffs and leaves too.


Nicklaus sits in his car and watch his mother and younger sister standing in front of his father's grave.

He held onto the flower tighter.. his mother crying bitterly and his sister tries as best as she can to console her.

He felt like going over to console her too, but he didn't... After all, he can't touch her.

This is one of the reasons he has refuse to visit his mother all these years...

"Mr Statham, should I turn the car?" Graham asked.

Nicklaus didn't reply, he's too engross looking at his family.

Soon, his mother and sister walks away sadly... He closes his eyes briefly and takes in a deep breath.

He steps out of his car and walk towards his father's grave.. he drops his flower beside his mother's.

He stares at his father's picture on his gravestone...

"Dad.... hope you're resting in peace?"

He inhale slowly.

"Continue resting, I'll make them pay!"

He turns back and walk towards his car... He gets in.

"Graham, to my mansion!"

"M-mansion?!" Graham stutters.

He doesn't know if Anastasia is still sleeping on his boss's bed.

"Yes! Now drive!"


Anastasia's pov 👠

I press the doorbell and almost immediately, the door flings open.

"Hello, are you Miss Lopez?" A young man asked me.

He seem to be the same age as me.. he flashes me a boyish smile.

"Yeah.. Anastasia Lopez!" I replies.

"I'm Jeremy, Graham told me about you... Please, do come in!" He invites me in and makes way for me to come in.

I step in and he shuts the door behind us.

"I believe you know the way to master Nicklaus's bedroom?" He asked.

"Master Nicklaus?"

"Yeah, our young master's name is Nicklaus!"

Young master?! What age are we in? Who still addresses their boss as master?!

"Miss Lopez, you might wanna hurry up before the master gets back!" He said.

Then I remembered Graham's words, that his boss might come home early.

I rush upstairs.

"Thanks, but you can just call me Anna!" I told him as I run along the stairs.

"Ok!" He replies.

I finally made it to the master's bedroom, I open the door and step in.

My eyes quickly move to the big, king size bed.. my mind rushes back to how soft and comfortable the bed is.

I can feel it calling my name, but before I listen to his call, I decide to admire the room... I didn't get any chance to admire it yesterday.

To be continued.
