Authoress' pov 👠

Matilda and Jack walk Anastasia leave quietly.. a small frown on their foreheads as they find her mysterious behavior strange.

"Tilda, she's your roommate, what kind of work was she talking about?"

Matilda shakes her head...she remembers how Anastasia has being acting strange since yesterday.

Abandoning her truck isn't something Anastasia normally do...or did she get herself in any kind of trouble?

She wonders.

"Matilda!" Jack called her loudly.

She quickly remembers Jack's question earlier and shakes her head.

"I don't know!" She replies.

"You don't know the kind of work your roommate is doing?" Jack asked again.

"After she came back from yesterday's interview, I notice a change in her behavior but I didn't think much into it. But now....."

She trails off with a confused frown on as different thoughts comes to her mind.

Jack gasp and bangs on the counter.

"Could it be she's...." He trails off leaving his mouth wide open.

Matilda sits upright and looks at him anxiously.. waiting for him to finish his words.

"She's what?!" She asks impatiently.

"Could it be she's selling herself for money?!"

He lowers his voice as if he's scared of someone hearing him. Matilda slaps the back of his head and he winces.

"Hey! Why did you hit my head?"

She grabs his ear and twists it very hard before letting it go.

"I sometimes wonder if we're really cousins.. you're so dull" she said.

Jack rubs his ear. Matilda leans on the counter, her fingers drawing lines on it.

"I know and trust Tasia, she's isn't gonna be desperate to the extent of selling herself for money... she's a decent girl" she said the last part while glaring at Jack.

Jack thinks about it and nod, he releases a relief breath.

"You're right, I was scared for a minute there!"

Matilda rolls her eyeballs, she knows Jack was thinking for himself... After all, he's being in love with Anastasia for a long time.

"Better tell her how you feel or you'll lose your chance soon!"

Jack sighs and leans on the counter.

"I want to but it's not the right time... I'll tell her after Denzel's operation.. she already has enough on her plate!" Jack said.

Matilda nods.

"Right, I don't think she'll have anytime for relationships now!"

A momentary silence falls on them.

"I just hope she isn't in any kind of trouble!" Matilda said.

"Me too!"

Matilda narrows her eyes.

"No! I must get her to speak, if I wait for her to tell me, she won't.. she'll tell me exactly what is going on when she gets home!"


Nicklaus's mansion....

Nicklaus steps into his home with Graham following closely behind him.

He head straight for the stairs, Graham follows too.. his heart pounding and his palms sweating.

He silently prays that Anastasia has already left, or else his life will be doomed.

He has been secretly calling her but she doesn't pick up, which makes him worry.. because right now, he's not sure if she's still inside.

Nicklaus stops walking abruptly and Graham bumps into him.. he quickly take a step back.

"I'm sorry, Mr Statham!"

"You've being distracted, why?" Nicklaus asked.

His hand move to the knob on his door, Graham doesn't even realize they're at the front of Nicklaus's room.

His eyes grows wide when he realizes this... the pounding in his heart increase and he sweats profusely.

"Graham?!" Nicklaus called.

His hand no longer on the knob as he has turn to face Graham.

"Mr Statham...."

"Are you ok?"

Graham nods stiffly. Nicklaus eyes him but doesn't say anything, he tucks his hands on his pants pockets.

"I'll be in my study, tell Jeremy to bring my dinner!"

"Yes, Mr Statham!"

Nicklaus turns and head towards his study, Graham staggers and leans against the door.. he breaths out in great relief.

"I could have screw myself up!" He whispers to himself.

He quickly burst the door open and sees Anastasia spreads comfortably on Nicklaus's bed.


Anastasia's pov 👠




I turn around, why do I keep hearing his voice but can't see him.

"Anna!" He called again.

"Denzel, where are you?" I asked.

But I got no reply, just my voice echoing back at me.. the tall grasses blocking my view!

Wait.. how did I even get here?

"Anna, come save me!" He called again.

"Where are you?"

"I'm right here!" He said behind me.

I turn around but didn't see him, a deep frown appear on my face.

"Save me, Anna!" He whispers in my ear.

I jump from my spot and see him, standing in front of me in rag clothes.. he look so unkempt.

"Save me!"

"Denzel, what happened to you?" I asked and take a step forward.

But he moves backward, away from me.

"Anna!" He calls me and smiles at me.

I reach out to hold him but he keeps moving backwards, I followed him.

Then it feels like he's running but he's still facing me, I begin to run after him.

"Denzel, stop!"

He didn't stop, he keeps running.

"Don't run! Wait!"

He didn't listen to me, after running a few meters he finally stop.

He raises his right hand and starts waving me, smiling very bright.

"I'm going home, Anna!"


No reply, just waving and smiling.

"Home isn't that way!" I told him.

He turns, that's when I noticed the small gate behind him.. he opens the gate and walks in.

"This is home!" He said.

I tilt my neck and sees a....

A gasp flies out of my mouth and my eyes grows wide.. behind him is a cemetery!

"Denzel, come out of there right now! That's not home!" I yelled at him.

"Good bye, Anna!"

"No! Denzel, stop there!"

I wanted to go in and pull him out but he pushes the gate close before I could.

"Get out here, Denzel"

"Anna.. I love you!" He said and head towards a grave.

"Denzel, No!"


"Denzel, No!" I yelled and sit up.

I look around frantically, sweat form on my forehead as if I just finished fighting a battle.

Denzel.. Denzel.. Denzel... I chant in my head.

I quickly hop off the bed and just when I'm about to head out, the door burst open and Graham walks in.

"W-what are you doing here?" I ask him as I pant heavily.

"I should be asking that.. you're supposed to be gone by now!" He replies.

Gone? Gone where? I take a look around again and notice I'm not in my room... I'm in his boss's room.

Then I remembered how I had wanted to admire the room but sleep suddenly took over my body.

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again!" I said.

"Sorry?" He scoffs. "My boss almost catch us today, do you think sorry would have solved it if he had found out?"

My mind is currently not even here, I'm thinking about that scary dream I just had about Denzel.

All I want right now, is to find out if my little brother is safe and healthy.

"I'm sorry, ok... it's not gonna happen again!"

"I don't think you're ready for this job or maybe you don't wanna save your brother anymore!"

Ok! That's my bottom line.

"Don't ever threaten me with my brother's life ok!" I yelled in his face.

He look surprised at my reaction but I don't care about my reaction right now...I just had the scariest dream about my brother.

And now he's bringing him up?!

"My brother's gonna get well, ok?! He'll be safe and healthy again! Don't think he won't be saved without your money, ok?!"

Tears brim in my eyes as I remember what doctor Hemsworth told me...and the dream I just had.

"Stop wishing my brother death.. he's not gonna die! He's a strong boy and he'll push through this! He'll survive! I'll watch him grow up and excel in life!" I yelled.

Like seriously, I don't know if I'm actually talking to myself or him.

I pick my bag and realize that I'm actually passing my frustrations onto an innocent soul.

"I'm sorry, Graham.. I didn't mean to yell at you, I'm just worried about my brother" I apologised.

He stares at my face closely and frowns.

"You.. you're crying?" He asked.

I wipe my tears, I didn't even know I was crying.

"I have to go, I'll not oversleep next time.. I'm really sorry!" I told him and rush out.


I quickly reach for my phone when I have gone far from the mansion.

I dialed my aunt's number and waits for her to pick up... she picks after a few rings.

"Aunt!" I called in a broken voice but I quickly clear my throat.

I don't want her to worry.

"Anna, it's late, what are you still doing up?" She asked.

I laugh lightly at her question, it's just 6:40pm but she deems it late.

"I just wanna check up on you guys"

I can picture her rolling her eyes.

"You just visited us yesterday, Anna"

"I know, I know... I just wanna check up on Denzel" I said.

She stayed silent for a brief moment.

"Anna, is there something you didn't tell me yesterday? Are you sure Denzel is really getting better?"

"Yes, aunt, I just wanna check up on him... I don't want him to miss me too much!"

She laughs.

"You're the one missing him! Anyways, he's fine and seriously giving me a headache here... He doesn't wanna go to bed!"

"Aunt, don't you think it's too early to go to bed?"

"No, enough rests determine a healthy body!" She said.

Ok, I don't know where she get that from but she's right.

"Do you wanna speak with him? Should I put him on the line?"

"Yes, please!"

I hear some shuffling and soon, Denzel's loud voice booms in my speaker making me move the phone away from my ear.

"Anna! Anna! I invented an aeroplane!"

"Denzel, do you mind turning down the volume of your voice?"

He laughs and yells.


"Denzel" I scolds him but he continues laughing.

I hear aunt telling him not to jump on his bed in the background.

"How are you feeling today, Denzel?"

"I'm great!"

"You sound happy, care to share your little secret?"

He chuckles.

"Doctor Hemsworth came to see me today again.. he said I'm really the strongest boy ever.. he said I should be happy because I'm very strong.. that's why I'm happy!" He replies.

Wish he can always be this happy and carefree.

"Anna, Anna.. he said I'm healed!"

If only he knows doctor Hemsworth was just prophesying healing on him.... I smile.

"Yes, you're healed!"

I hear a thud and I feel my heart leap off my chest.

"Denzel, Denzel.. Denzel are you ok?!" I asked him desperately but got no reply.

"Denzel, say something.. hello, hello Denzel"

It can't be my dream coming true, right?

"Wow!" I hear him exclaimed happily.

"Anna! Aunt brought my favorite food!" He tells me excitedly.

I ignore his words and ask the question bothering me.

"I heard a thud, what was that?"

"Oh, I jumped off the bed!" He replies.

I close my eyes and breath in relief.

"Denzel, don't do that again.. do you know how scared I was just now?" I scold him.

"Don't be scared, doctor Hemsworth said I'm healed!"

I rolled my eyes, what was I expecting from a 9years old.

"Yes, but that doesn't mean you should be a bad boy, running and jumping about.. right?"

"Hmm" he hums.

"Good, you...."

"Anna, my food is getting cold!" He cuts me off anxiously.

"Fine! Go on and eat!"

I hear aunt telling him to return her phone.

"Anna, are you still there?" Aunt asked.

"Yeah but I have to go.. I have things to do!"

"Ok... But don't forget to sleep early ok?"

"Ok, I gotta go!" I hang up and sighs deeply.

I think now I really understand what doctor Hemsworth meant.. I really have limited time.

First thing tomorrow morning, I'll go over to Statham enterprise and apologise to Mr Statham... I need that coffee shop running again.

Now I need money more than ever.


Authoress' pov 👠

Nicklaus's mansion....

Nicklaus steps out of his bathroom in his sweatpants and falls on his bed.

He inhaled deeply and smile.

This is what I need after a long, stressful day... A nice scent on my bed to help me relax. He thinks inwardly.

He frowns slightly, but why do I feel so familiar with this scent.

But since he knows he won't get any answers to that question, he push it aside and simply lays there.

Waiting for sleep to take him.


Statham Villa...

Rhoda sighs when she sees her mother sitting by the window.. with the cold breeze blowing on her face.

"Mom, leave the window, it's too cold there!"

Her mother simply smiles.

"Did you see your brother today?" She asked.

"Yes, mom!" Rhoda replies.

She leads her mother away from the window back to a sofa in the living room.

"How is he doing? Is he eating enough?"

"Mom, stop worrying about him... He doesn't wanna see you!"

Her mother smile and shakes her head.

"Rhoda, you seem to have misunderstood your brother..."

She pats the space beside her and Rhoda sits down next to her.

".. it's not as if Nicklaus doesn't want to see me, he just feels guilty"


"Yes. He blames himself for what happened to your father, he thinks it's his fault that your father died"

Rhoda pause to listen to her mother well.

"He doesn't know how to face me. Also, I know he doesn't let women touch him after that incident but he thinks I doesn't know...."

She sighs.

"... He thinks I'll feel sad if he doesn't let me touch him. He thinks I'll be heartbroken.. but what he doesn't know is.. I don't blame him for your father's death.."

She reaches for a photo on the table and traces his fingers along it.

"... your father's death is nobody's fault"

She drops the photo and sighs.

"I wanna help him but I don't know how to... If only I can see that little girl, maybe she's the only key to solve all this!"

To be continued.
