Anastasia's pov 👠

I step into my apartment and meets darkness, maybe Matilda has gone to bed.

Deciding not to wake her up, I reach for my phone and turn on my flashlight.. I head for my room.

But I stop abruptly when the lights suddenly turns on, I turn off my flashlight and turn around.

Jack and Matilda sits on a sofa, with their arms crossed on their chests... they have the detective look on.

They are both staring at my face seriously, as if I have committed a grave offense.

"I thought you've gone to bed already!" I said, referring to Matilda.

She shakes her head and continues staring at me more seriously.

"Er.. why were you two sitting here with the lights off?"

"Waiting for you!" Jack replies.

I stare at them feeling a little bit confused.

"Where are you coming from?" Matilda asked.


"Work?!" She asked and I nod.

She exchange looks with Jack, then turns back to me.. she narrows her eyes down at me.

"Last time I checked, you are jobless and that coffee shop is our only hope!" She said.

"I have a 30minutes job and...."

Jack gets up with a deep frown.

"30minutes job?" He asked.

I nod. He stares at me briefly, walk towards me and perceives my body.

"What kind of job requires just 30minutes of your time?"

"Sleeping on someone's bed!"

"What?!" Jack and Matilda exclaimed.

They look so shocked and surprised. Matilda looks like she died sitting down and Jack, hmm...

He fell on the ground.

"Y-you... you're sleeping on someone's bed?!" Matilda asked.

I nod and she frowns.

"Tasia, why?" She shakes her head. "That's not the right way to find Denzel's bills.. ok?"

Ok, now it's my turn to be surprised.. I frown.

"What's not the right way?" I asked.

She gets up and walk towards me, she stops in front of me and holds my shoulders.

"We can find any other way to raise money, you don't have to sell yourself for it"


I gently push her hands off my shoulders. What are they thinking?!

"Wait... did you misinterpret what I said?"

"No! I understand why you are doing it.. but Tasia, you have to stop it before it tarnishes your reputation!" She said.

"What are you talking about? Do you think I'm sleeping around with men?"

She covers my mouth with her palm and shakes her head.

"Don't say it, don't let others hear it.."

I wanted to speak but she's covering my mouth and not removing her hand.

"....I know you're desperate for money right now, but you can..."

I remove her hand from my mouth.

"I'm not sleeping with anyone for money!" I said.

Jack whom I thought had passed out quickly gets up... I see tear lines on his cheeks.

Was he crying?! I shake my head and ignore him, I should clarify somethings with Matilda.

"But you said...."

"Forget what I said, I'm not sleeping with anyone..." I sigh. ".. you guys don't know what I'm going through recently"

"Then let us know what you're going through!" Jack said.

Matilda nods in agreement.

"Yeah, Tasia, we're your friends and you shouldn't be suffering alone.. let us know what is happening.. and we'll go through it together!"

I think about it and sigh.. they're right, keeping everything to myself isn't the best option right now.

At least, I should talk to someone about my situation.. it might make things easier and lighter for my head.

I sigh and slumps onto the couch nearest to me.

"Guys, a lot has happened recently.. Denzel's condition isn't as simple as I make it seem!" I said.

Matilda quickly sits next to me and Jack sits opposite us.

"What do you mean?" They both asked at once.

I close my eyes as I recall my conversation with doctor Hemsworth.

"Denzel's condition is getting worst, he has only... 4months or..." I trail off.

"Or what?" Matilda asked.

A lone tear runs down my cheek, I don't wanna say the word but I must say it... saying it makes me sadder.


"If we don't do the operation in 4months, I'll.. I'll lose Denzel" I break down.

"Oh my God, Tasia...." Matilda trails off.

I guess I have been holding back my tears for too long, I should have cried in front of doctor Hemsworth.

My mouth opens wide as I cried bitterly, I guess I'm not as strong as I was trying to prove.. talking about Denzel with my friends makes me realize how weak I actually am.

"Tilda, do something... Make her stop crying, she'll have a headache!" Jack said.

Matilda simply pulls me closer and rest my head on her chest, patting my back softly.

"She should cry, she needs to cry out her pain.. crying is all she needs right now!"

And that's what I did, I cried to my heart content... like, I am satisfied with how much I cried.

Jack hands me a handkerchief and I wipe off my tears.. I hiccups.

"Thanks, guys!"

"It's fine, don't worry, Denzel will be fine... We'll work the money and Denzel will be healthy again!" Matilda said.

I nod and smiled at her. Jack clears his throat and scratches his neck nervously.

"Em.. you haven't tell us about the 30minutes job yet.. you know, the part where you sleep on someone's bed... "

Matilda and I chuckle, of course that's what he's worried about... After all, he's always been like that.

He doesn't want me to be a sl*t.

"Ok, it all started after I left Statham enterprise yesterday....."

They listen silently as I narrate what happened after I left the hospital yesterday.

Their expressions changes from shocked.. to surprise.. to amazed.

"... and that's how I ended up getting that 30minutes job!" I concluded.

Matilda grips my right arm tightly.

"Man, I want that job!"

I laugh lightly.

"But the job wants me!" I replied and we both burst into laughter.

Jack frowns as he look like he's thinking about something.

"That's a cool job, you get paid for resting!" Matilda said.

"Yeah, it's a cool job.. but have you thought about what will happen to Tasia when the master of that mansion finds out?" Jack asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, Jack.. I'll be extra careful and he won't find out!"

He looks like he still wanna say something but I didn't let him.

"It's fine, Jack!" I said and he swallowed his unspoken words.

Silence fell on us but it didn't last long because I spoke immediately.

"Tomorrow morning, I'll head to Statham enterprise and make a proper apology to Mr Statham..."

"No, Tasia, I told you not to worry yourself... I'm not blaming you" Jack said.

I smiled.

"I know you're not blaming me, but I need to apologise.. to get our shop running again!" I said.

Matilda nods in support but Jack just keep staring at me with seriousness.

"Why are you being kinda..." He trails off, trying to find the right words.

"Kinda what?" Matilda and I asked.

"Uh... should I say obedient?"

I roll my eyes.

"Jack, I can stubbornly wait until our shop starts running again without apologizing to Mr Statham...."

I scoff and shake my head.

"... but Denzel can't wait! I must apologise to him!"

They both nod... I take a deep breath and yawn as I stretch my stiff limbs.

"Guys, I should head to bed now!" I said and get up.

"Good night, sleeping beauty!" Tilda said.

I smiled at her.

"Goodnight, snow white!"

I blow her a kiss and she catches it, Jack clears his throat.

"Then what am I?"

Matilda and I shared a knowing look.. we smiled at each other.

"You're Jack the pirate of Caribbean!" I dash for my room and slam my door shut.

I can hear him chasing Matilda around the living room, I bite back a laugh... This doesn't mean I betrayed her right?

Hmm... I head towards my bed and falls on it. I'm gonna have a busy day tomorrow.. I hope Mr Statham will forgive me!


The next day.... Day 1....

I sit in a cafe opposite Statham enterprise, my eyes focused on the building as I slowly sip on my latte.

It's already 1:30pm and Mr Statham haven't arrived yet.

I have been sitting here since 9am and I swear.... I already lost count on how many lattes I've had.

The receptionist told me Mr Statham is in a conference meeting.. up till now, he's still in the meeting.

I waited until I fell asleep, by the time I woke up.. it's already 4:40pm... I have to rush back to Graham's boss's mansion.


Day 2....

I entered the building and walk straight to the receptionist, her ever polite smile on.

"Hello, I was here yesterday.. do you recollect my face?" I asked.

"Yeah, welcome to Statham enterprise again!"

"Thank you.. but can I see Mr Statham today?"

"I'm afraid not, you didn't make an appointment yesterday!"

I frown. Really?! But she didn't tell me about making appointments yesterday.

"But I won't stay long, I just wanna have a chat with him!"

"I'm sorry, ma'am, it's our policy here.. you must make an appointment to meet our CEO!"

I grit my teeth and balled my fist, I close my eyes and take a deep breath.

"Fine! Make an appointment for me, I'll be here tomorrow to see Mr Statham!"

"Alright!" She said and starts typing on her computer.

I turn and head towards the exit, I hear her wishing me a nice day as I leave.

Not having anything else to do, I decide to head to our coffee shop. I board a taxi and told the driver my direction.


"Ok, I don't need to ask!" Tilda said when she sees me walking into the shop.

I head straight to a table, I pull a chair out and sit down.. I groan and hit my head gently on the table.

"Hey! Hey, darling, there's no need to commit suicide!" Jack said, putting his palm on the table.

I raise my head and groan again, this time louder than before.

"How can one person effortlessly stop someone's business?" I grumbles.

Tilda drops a cup of latte in front of me, I push it away since I already had too much of it yesterday.

She laughs.

"That's the power of money, baby!" She said.

I didn't know the consequences would be this grave, I wouldn't have argued with him had I known.

"Or maybe I should come with you!" Matilda suggest.

I shake my head.

"Nope, I wanna do this alone!"

Jack raise an eyebrow.

"Are you sure?"


Matilda taps my shoulder lightly.

"I believe Tasia can do it!"

"Tomorrow will be a success!"


Day 3.....

I briskly walk into the tall building of Statham enterprise.. with a great level of confidence.

Today will be different, I must see Mr Statham, whatever it takes.

"Hello!" I greet the receptionist.

But it's not that receptionist from yesterday, I guess they've changed her.

"Hello, welcome to Statham enterprise, how may we help you?"

"I'm here for Mr Statham!" I replied.

"Oh, you have to make an appointment first" she smiled.

I frown and glare at her.

"But I already made an appointment yesterday!"

"I'm sorry, I don't know about that"

"What do you mean, the previous receptionist didn't handover to you?"

She didn't reply me. I narrow my eyes.. why do I feel like they're purposely sending me away?

I take a few steps away from her desk, my eyes move to the elevator slowly.

The doors open and two men steps out, I quickly dash towards it and before the receptionist could catch me.. the doors closed.

I smirk, she thinks she can stop me.

But that smirk wipes off when I suddenly realize I don't even know Mr Statham's office.. well, I'll just follow the elevator.

I will get off whenever it stops... Ding!

The doors open and I step out, I took a deep breath and starts walking down the floor.

This floor is so quiet, I walk until I stop at a door.. CEO's office, Mr Statham!

I smiled.. this is it! I knock on the door and hear a familiar husky voice invites me in.

I took another deep breath.


Authoress' pov 👠

Nicklaus was signing a report when he hears a knock on the door.. he pause and invites whomever was outside in.

The door pushes open.. he clenched I jaw as he see that stubborn girl walk in.

Who f**king let her in?! He wonders with his brows furrowed.

"Mr Statham...."

"What are you doing here?!" Nicklaus growls at her.

Anastasia walks closer to his desk and lowers her head... she bites her lower lip.

"Mr Statham.. I'm here to apologise for my behavior yesterday. I didn't.... "

"Get out!" He cuts her off coldly.

Anastasia ignores his tone and continues speaking.

"... I didn't mean to offend you, I was just being too angry at everything and... "

"I said get out!" He band on his desk.

Anastasia flinches back a bit.

"I'm sorry, Mr Statham, I was rude yesterday.. I'm sorry!"

"It's too late to cry when the head is off!" He said simply.

He points at the door "Get the hell out of my office!" He said and return to his report.

Anastasia shakes her head.

"No, Mr Statham.. please don't shut down the coffee shop because of my rudeness.. that shop is the only hope I have of saving my brother... "

"I don't care, leave!"

"Mr Statham, please have mercy... I know you're kind and you won't.... "

Nicklaus cuts her off with a glare, he gets up and take long strides towards the door.

He opens it wide and makes way for Anastasia.

"I'm not kind! I'm wicked, now get out!"

"Mr Statham, I'm..."

"If you don't leave I'll get the security to show you out!"

Anastasia shakes her head stubbornly, she falls on her knees..

"Mr.... "

"That's her!" A voice cuts her off.

She turns and sees the receptionist heading towards her with two security men.

The security men steps forward to catch her but she quickly leap and hugs Nicklaus tightly.

Both the receptionist and security men gasp quietly... Nicklaus tries to push Anastasia off him but couldn't.

"Get off me! Get off me! Get off me now!"

Anastasia didn't, rather she holds him tighter.

"Get off me!"

"No! Not until you forgive me.. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I need that shop, it's gonna save a life, please...."

"I. Said. Get. Off. Me!" He growls.

Anastasia still didn't let go, Nicklaus sends the security guards a glare and they quickly step forward.

They forcefully pulls Anastasia away from Nicklaus and begin to drag her out.

"Mr Statham, I'm sorry.. please, help my brother.. if anything happens to him, I don't know what I'll do.. I'm sorry...."

Nicklaus tones off her pleas and begin to dust himself..he makes a disgusted expression.

He sees something falls off her pocket as they drag her out.. but ignores it.

He slams his door close when they've successfully drag her out, he rushes towards his inbuilt bathroom.

Taking off his clothes as he goes, he steps into the bathroom and walks straight to a mirror.

He stands in front of the mirror with a frown.

He looks at his body carefully and he's surprised that there isn't any irritations.

Nicklaus rubs his eyes and look again, still no irritations and for the first time ever, he didn't feel his skin inching him.

"What the hell?"

He quickly grabs a towel and wraps it around his waist, he rushes back into his office and dials the receptionist.

"Mr Statham...."

"Where's the girl?!"

"S-she angrily left, sir..."

He tones her off as something catches his eyes, he bends down and picks it up... he remembers this falling off Anastasia's pocket.

Nicklaus first frowns as he turns it, then his eyes grows wide in surprise.

"Nina?!" He whispers in disbelief.

"... N-nina, Mr Statham?!" The receptionist asked.

But Nicklaus's mind is not here, he's busy staring at the photo in his hand.

Does she have something to do with Nina?! He wonders.

He narrows his eyes, his eyes wonders to the boy standing next to her in the photo... He quickly reaches for his drawer and takes out the same photo.

She must know something about Nina! He concluded.

"... Hello, Mr Statham?"

"Go stop the girl right now!" He commands.

"Huh.. sir.. s-she.. she's already left in a taxi..."

"You're fired!" He said and hangs up.

To be continued.
