Anastasia's pov 👠

"Let me go!" I yelled and snatches my hands from the security men.

"Why did you manhandled me like that?! Don't you know I'm a lady?!" I scoffed loudly.

Glaring at Statham enterprise, I stop an oncoming taxi and leave quickly...I mean, I don't have time to waste here.

I should go somewhere quiet to cool off....maybe think of something else to do to get the money I want.

My phone goes off and I reach for it, Matilda's name flashes on the screen.

I quickly presses the answer button.

"Hey, Tilda!"

"Tasia, how is it going? Have you seen Mr Statham?" She asked eagerly.

I scoff.

"That castrated monkey kicked me out...he didn't even try to listen to a word!"

I hear shuffling sound in the background, like she's walking.

"Then that means, our shop won't ever run again?" She asked.

I couldn't answer her question, it's pretty obvious that our shop has automatically shut down!

"What should we do now? How are we gonna raise the money in 4 months?" She panic.

Actually, I don't think we could raise 9million from that shop in 4 months...but I was hoping that I'll add my extra cash from my 30 minutes work.

And maybe beg doctor Hemsworth with whatever we have..so he can continue the treatment and then, I'll pay the rest in instalment.

But now, that hope is gone...I need to think of something else.

"....Tasia, can you hear me?"


"I said, where are you now?"

I sighed and throws my head back on the seat.

"I'm going somewhere to cool off...in fact, I don't know where I'm going!"

"Ok, but don't make us worry about you...ok?"

I nod but remember she can't see me.


"Ok, take care!" She said and hangs up.

I facepalm myself and groan...I'm too small for this responsibility...but I'm all Denzel have...I'm his only hope for survival.

"So...miss, where are we going?"

After a quick thought, I said.

"LA city hospital, please!"


Authoress' pov 👠

Nicklaus parks his car outside the small coffee shop, he jumps out in a hurry.. he takes long stride inside.

His eyes move around the shop, scanning around if they'll find Anastasia.. but they didn't.

He only sees Jack and Matilda. Matilda gets up and walk towards him with a glare.

"What are you doing here?!"

She gestures around with her hands.

"Look around, there are no customers.. is that not enough?!"

Nicklaus felt annoyed at the tone by which she spoke to him.. but he ignored her.

He came here for a more important matter.

"Where's she?" He asked.

"What do you mean where's she?!" Jack asked from where he's sitting.

Nicklaus clenches his jaw.

"Where is her?!" He asked again.

Matilda scoffs and walks back to her chair.

"As you can see, Jack and I are the only ones here!" She replies. " Besides, if she was here, she wouldn't want to see you!"

Nicklaus glares at them, clenching and unclenching his fist... He huffs angrily and leaves.

He gets back in his car and dials Marcus's number, he picks almost immediately.

"Nicky, what's up?"

"Quick, investigate this name... Anastasia Lopez!" He said.


"I think she knows something about Nina!"

"Ok... on it!"

"And I want the report on my desk latest...5pm today!"

Marcus stays silent briefly and nods.

"I'm not God, but ok!"

Nicklaus hangs up and throws his phone on the sear next to him...loosing his necktie slightly.


Anastasia's pov 👠

My timing is accurate, Aunt always Denzel take out to play.

I sit at a little distance away from them, Aunt and Denzel are running around in the field.. chasing a small ball.

Denzel look so happy, like he's just as healthy as anyone.

I wish our parents aren't gone...I wish that accident didn't happen...I wish Denzel wasn't in that car....he wouldn't be suffering now.

He would have been a healthy boy....he wouldn't have had to stay apart from me.

I wouldn't have been looking for money so desperately....I wouldn't have suspended my education.

After watching them play for so long, I decided to get up and start walking back....since I don't have money on me to board a taxi.

I check my time, it's almost 4pm... I guess I'll just head over to Graham's boss's mansion.


Authoress' pov 👠

"Nice doing business with you, Mr Orson!" Nicklaus said.

He shook hands with Mr Orson...they has just finished signing the final agreement on CLEAN FIRST!

"It's my pleasure, Mr Statham!" Mr Orson said.

Nicklaus nods, he turns to Claudia.

"Claudia, see Mr Orson out!"

Claudia nods and follows Mr Orson out.

Nicklaus sits down and taps on his desk as his eyes zero on the wall clock in his office.

It's already 05:15pm... but he still haven't gotten any feedbacks from Marcus.

He picks his phone, but the door bangs open before he could dial Marcus's number.

Marcus walks in quickly and sits in front of him... He takes Nicklaus's coffee mug and finishes his almost finished coffee.

"Nick, you're gonna get me killed someday!"

"What did you find?"

Marcus drops a file in front of him, Nicklaus picks it up and glances through it.

"Nothing! I didn't find anything... she's not Nina and I don't think she has anything to do with Nina..."

He studies Nicklaus's expression as he goes through the info.

"... she's just a little girl who lives with her best friend, she have a Aunt and 9year old little brother!"

Nicklaus slams the file on the table and frowns.

"If she's not Nina, how did she get Nina's picture?" Nicklaus wonders.

"Nina's picture?"

Nicklaus nods and brings out the picture, he hands it to Marcus. Marcus frowns in surprise.

"This is you and Nina!"

"I know, that's why I believe she has something to do with Nina's whereabouts!"

"Hmmm.... " Marcus hums and continue staring at the picture.

"She's strange.. I don't seem to be allergic to her!"

Marcus's ears perks up at that statement, he drops the picture and stares at Nicklaus.

"What did you say?"

"I'm not allergic to her!"

"How did you know that?"

"Because... she hugged me!" He said.

Marcus's mouth hangs open, his eyes opens wide...making his eyeballs seem like they're gonna fall off.

"S-she, she hugged me?!" He hugs himself to illustrate.

Nicklaus nods.

"And you didn't have your normal skin irritations?!"

"I didn't!"

Marcus didn't speak again, he keeps staring at Nicklaus's face.

"I'm confused, why am I not allergic to her?"

Marcus shakes his head.

"I don't believe you, I suggest you try it again.. if you still didn't get any irritations, then you've found your cure!"

"What?!" Nicklaus asked with confused frown.

Marcus leans on the table.

"I mean, if you confirm you aren't really allergic to her, then you should keep her around... You've found your cure!"

"My cure?"

"Yeah, she'll help you heal"


Anastasia's pov 👠


I hear someone roar and my eyes snaps open...I sit up in fright and look around frantically.

Graham's face appears before my eyes, he's shaking and sweating profusely.

"Get up!" He whispers.

"Why?" I asked loudly.

He shakes his head and signals me to keep quiet, I frown, wondering why he look so scared.

"My boss!" He whispers again.

That's when I calculate everything... I came to his boss's house to do my job.

But I guess I overslept and with the look of things, I can tell we've been caught.

He gestures towards my left side, I slowly turn my head and sees Mr Statham glaring at me.

Wait... Mr Statham?! What is he doing here?!

"What are you doing here?" I asked before I could stop myself.

Why does he keep showing up everywhere?

"I should be asking you that!" He growls.

He reach out his hand to grab mine but he stops himself, he stares at me.. he closes his eyes and he take a deep breath.

He grab my right hand and pulls me out of his bed, he held onto me a few more seconds before letting me go.

I see Graham staring at Mr Statham in surprise...like he didn't expect him to hold me..well, I'm surprised too brother!

Mr Statham looks at himself as if he's looking for something on him... and smiles.

Or I thought I saw him smile, because the smile left just as it came... He stares at me as if he's trying to figure something out.

I lean closer to Graham.

"What is he doing here? Do you know him?"

"He's my boss!" He replies.

"Your boss?!" I yelled.

My eyes bulges out in disbelief. What sin did I commit?! Why is nature against me?!

He glares at Graham.

"Graham, what is going on here? Why is there a woman on my bed?!"

"Mr Statham, I..I can explain!" Graham said in a shaky voice.

"Then start explaining!"

Graham glances at me and take a deep breath...he takes my jacket that's laying on the bed and brings it closer to Mr Statham's nose.

"Sir, that's the scent on your bedsheets!"

Mr Statham stares at me with a frown.

"The scent comes from her..not from any soap!"

"Then how did I end up perceiving it on my bed?!"

Graham gulps, I wanted to speak up but decided against.

My smart mouth shut our shop down, I can't blow this up too!

"Graham, speak before you lose your job!" He barks at Graham.

"M-mr Stat.... "

To Be Continued...