"Mr Statham!" I called him and fall on my knees.

I can't give him a chance to kick me out, this is the only hope I have now.

"I'm sorry, Mr Statham.. I didn't mean to sleep on your bed!"

Mr Statham stands in silence staring at me, he seem calm.. his hands in his pocket.

I guess he's just coming back from his company since he's still in his business suit.

"I have no choice than to agree when Graham came to me with the offer... I know I have offended you and you must hate me so much..."

I blink back the tears threatening to fall.

"... but please don't kick me out, I need the money desperately.. my brother is in the hospital waiting for 9million to save his life.. I wouldn't be sleeping on your bed if I don't need the money... I just..."

I couldn't hold them back any longer, they rush down my cheeks in great speed.

"... I wouldn't know what I would do if my brother is gone, please for my brother's sake, forgive me... I swear, I didn't mean to yell at you that day... I was just too frustrated and was venting out my frustrations... I'm sorry, Mr Statham... Really sorry..."

I couldn't complete my words as I cry harder.

"I don't understand how her scent was on my bedsheets?" Mr Statham said.

"Sir, the other day, a lady passes out in front of our car.. she was that lady, I made a mistake and let her lay on your bed that day.. "

"Holy sh*t!"

Mr Statham runs his fingers through his hair and pulls them.

"I'm sorry, Mr Statham.. it's my fault!"

He stays quiet, glaring daggers at Graham.

"Mr Statham, please don't kick me out.. I'm begging of you..."

I stare at him in hope that he'll forgive me, I know I look pitiful right now..but I don't care.

I'm doing this for Denzel... it's all for Denzel.

"I need you to answer some questions!" He speaks.

I nod quickly. He reaches in his pocket and pulls out a photo.. he shows it to me.

"Do you know this girl?"

A frown take over my face, I quickly snatch the photo from him.

"How did you get my photo?" I asked him back.

He steps forward anxiously but quickly composes himself and steps back.

"Your photo?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes! This little girl is me!"

His eyes lit up and he bites his lower lip, as if he's stopping himself from smiling.

"Are you Nina?"

"Nina? No, I'm Anastasia!" I replied.

His eyebrows quickly draws together in a tight frown.

"You're not Nina?"

I shake my head. He stares at me in confusion.

"Then do you know the boy standing beside you?" He asked.


"What do you mean? If this girl is you, then you must know who the boy is?"

I sigh.

"Mr Statham, the girl is me but I don't remember who this boy was..."

He squats to my level and holds my shoulders.

"How come you don't remember him?!"

"Because I had an accident and I lost all my childhood memories, i couldn't remember anything from my childhood...."

"Where did you lived before?"

"Seattle! My Aunt, brother and I moved to LA after the accident!"

He pause and stares at my face.. then I hear him whisper something like.. you're her.. but maybe I misheard him.

He gets up and sits in his bed.

"You said your brother is sick?"


Maybe he'll have mercy on me now.

"What's wrong with him?"

Ok.. this is something I don't like talking about but I don't have a choice now.

"He's suffering from a kidney disease!" I said.

Mr Statham gulps, his eyes softens but quickly hardens.. he clenches his jaw.

"How much?"


"How much are you looking for?" He asked.


He gets up and walk towards his window, he moves the curtains aside and stares outside.

It's dark outside already, but the city lights makes the night view beautiful.

"I'll pay the money and make sure he gets his operation done right away!"

Wait... I don't know if I heard him correctly, I don't know if my ears are still working fine.

"M-mr Stat.. Mr Statham, what did you say?" I asked in a stutter.

"I'll pay the money and your brother will get his operation done!" He repeats.

A smile breaks into my face, I can't believe what I just heard.

"Really, Mr Statham?!" I asked again to confirm.

"Yes! But on three conditions!"

Conditions? I should have seen this coming... well, I don't care what the conditions are.. provided Denzel's treated.

"I'll help your brother on three conditions!"

Anastasia's pov 👠

My heart pounding as I stare at him, frighteningly anticipating his conditions.

I hope it's gonna be more than I can handle and also.. I'm not gonna do anything illegal for him.

"Number one condition is....." He trails off.

He turns to face, his arms folded across his chest. I gulp nervously and pricks my ears up.

"... I want to continue having you on my bed!"

"What?!" My eyes bulges out.

He wants to continue having me on his bed?! Does that means he'll be having sex with me now?!

I'll be a sex worker?!

"Stop that thought running through your head!" He commands.

"What thought?" I asked.

Did I say my thoughts out loud? He glares at me.

"I don't need a sex toy... I need you on my bed because of your scent! Your scent helps me relax!"


I don't know why am having this thought, but from his expression, I can tell he's mad at me for thinking about myself being a sex worker!

Or maybe it's my mind playing tricks on me... Mr Statham can never be mad because of my useless thoughts.

"Also, I'll sleep beside you.. you're not allowed to leave the bed until I've fallen deep into slumber!"

Really?! I'll have to sleep on the bed with him laying next to me?!

Well, I'll just let him since my scent is his stress reliever....

"Number two condition, the tabloids said I'm gay... because I haven't being associating with ladies...."

He clenched his jaw tightly as if he's recalling something.

Why haven't he be associating with ladies? He's a rich man and I believe he knows some high class ladies...

"... so, I need you to be my girlfriend!"

His words interrupts my thoughts, my big eyes grows wide.

"G-girl what?!" I exclaimed.

"My girlfriend!"

I quickly get up, staring at him.

Yeah, I know I said I can do anything provided Denzel's treated.. but being someone's girlfriend is something I wasn't anticipating.

"Your girlfriend?"


This is absurd! He's studying my expression, I know my expression disappoints him.

Many girls will jump up and gladly accept this condition, but here I am...he must be disappointed.


"Contract girlfriend!" He cuts me off.

A relief breath subconsciously escape my mouth.. and I feel my mind calming down slowly.

"I just need you to appear whenever I need you... "

I secretly roll my eyeballs, he's making it sound as if I'm his call girl.

"... you'll have to go to galas with me, even though we're a fake couple.. we're gonna do what normal couples do, everything they do..."


He nods.

"Yes, everything!"

"Including sex?! I thought you said you're not looking for a sex toy?!"

He closes his eyes and smacks his forehead gently.

"Everything excluding sex!"

I smile and feel my tensed muscles relax...my virginity will still be intact.

"You'll have the privilege of demanding anything of me...."

I shake my head, cutting him off.

"No, I don't need anything, I just want my brother to be treated!"

He didn't say anything about that, he simply continues.

"To make people believe we're really in a relationship, you'll be spending the weekends in my home.... "

He trails off and thinks, I guess he's looking for what to say.

"... As my housekeeper!"

Hmm, I really don't think his conditions make sense but who am I to complain?

"You'll address me as Master when you're here.. but call me Nicklaus in public!"


"Yes, that's my first name!"

I nod but chuckles, his name makes me remember Nicklaus from THE ORIGINALS!

"Nicklaus is a mouthful, can I call you Klaus?!" I asked.

He stares at me intensely, like he's in a daze or he's recalling something.

I wave my hands in front of his eyes and he blinks back to reality.. I withdraw my hand.

"Er..why should I call you master here in your mansion?"

"That's what my workers call me here!" He replies.

"But I'm gonna be your girlfriend..well, fake girlfriend, do I need to call you that?"

"Yes! To the people outside, you're my girlfriend...but within these walls, you are my worker...I paid your brother's hospital bills in exchange for your services!"

I didn't ask any further questions... he's right, im his debtor now.

I'm working as his girlfriend to pay off my debts...I'm working as his stress reliever to pay off my debts.

This is all for Denzel.

"And the third condition..."

To Be Continued...