

Jerry laughs at my expression, he gives me a few slices of bread.

"I don't mean he eats everything" he said.

My stomach growls lowly, reminding that I'm hungry... I take a bite from the bread.

"Then what do you mean?" I muffled out.

"I mean.. he eats a little of everything here!"


I nod and continue chewing the bread in my mouth. I sip a little tea and gulp it down.

"Since he won't be able to finish everything, why cook so much? What do you do with the leftovers?"

"We feed them to our dog!"

I drop my bread and gulps down my tea in a hurry.. my eyes lit up.

"You have a dog?!"

"Yes, but Master doesn't let it out!"

My face falls.


"He said it belongs to someone very special"

"Someone special?"

He nods. 

Who could be that someone special? His ex?! 

"Don't ask Master about the dog, he gets angry when asked about it!" Jerry warns.