Matilda's pov 👠

"Jesus!" I groan and sit up, pulling my blanket up with me. 

My hands locate my head as I feel it getting ready to explode anytime... my mouth felt dry.

And I'm feeling a little dizzy, I throw my head back on the headboard.

"Tasia..." I called.

She didn't respond, I suck in a short breath.

"Tasia.. I need water!" I called loudly this time.

She still didn't respond, then my mind flashes back.. she was with Mr Statham last night.

My eyes move to the nightstand, I see an aspirin and a glass of water... not even thinking about how the water and aspirin got there.

I quickly swallow the medicine and keep the glass back on the nightstand. 

Resting my head against the headboard, I close my eyes for a few minutes and feel myself getting better.

"You're awake!" A male voice startles me.

I jolted up and stared wide eyed at the man in front of me... Mr Aurelius?!