

She stares at the picture closely then turns to me.

"Is this not you? Isn't this the same photo as yours?"

I simply nod. We both stare at the picture in confusion, until Matilda exclaims.

"This boy must be Mr Statham!" 

"No! I'm not sure, that's not possible! I don't remember meeting Mr Statham anywhere!" I said.

"You have, how else can you explain this.. this little girl is clearly you and when I asked for Mr Statham's engagement photos.. this is what I was showed... "

Could it be true? Is this boy really Klaus? Then Nina...

"... it means this is Mr Statham standing next to you on the photo... Maybe you're Nina!"

"I'm Nina?"

She nods with a smile.

"I don't think so, if I'm Nina why can't I remember him? Why don't I know that my name is Nina?"

Matilda thinks about my questions and nods slowly.