Authoress' pov 

Claudia sits next to Mrs Statham at the backseat, her arms folded across her chest as she sulks.

Mrs Statham notices her pulling a long face but ignores her and pretends like she's not seeing her.

She reaches for her phone and entered her photo storage, she opens Nicklaus and Anastasia's picture which she had saved yesterday.

With a smile on her face, she stares at the picture.

"Aunt, I thought we went there to tell that Anna girl off? Why did we leave instead?"

"Klaus told me he loves her!" She replies Claudia, not taking her eyes off the picture.

"He loves her?!"

"Hmm!" Mrs Statham hums.

"But... that is not true! What about Nina? Klaus can't love anyone if she's not Nina..we should remind Klaus about Nina..."

Mrs Statham drops her phone on her lap and give Claudia a stern look.

"Since Klaus loves Anastasia, there's nothing we can do about it!"
