Anastasia's pov 👠

Nicklaus's mansion... 2:56pm...

I rub my eyes and stretch my stiff limbs as I release a short yawn, my eyes meets the clock and I sigh.

It's already 2:57pm, I didn't know I slept so long.. at that moment, I heard a knock on the door.

"Anna, are you still asleep?" Jack?!

Fear grip me at once at the sound of his voice, I grabbed the blanket and pulled it closer to my chest.

Is he here to rape me again?! 

But I take another look around and realized I'm still at Klaus' mansion...in our room.

"Anna, can you hear me?" 

The voice came again, I listened closely this time and realized it's Jerry.

"It's time for lunch!" He speaks again..I breath in relief when I'm sure I'm safe.

I wanted to reply him, but a groan caught my attention.. I look towards the sound and saw Matilda sleeping on the couch.

She look so tired even in her sleep, I guess she's tired from work and...