Anastasia Pov 👠

I got up and rushed towards our room, I fetched the first aid kit and rushed back to the living room.

I take his hand and start cleaning his wound, he didn't flinch nor did he hissed in pain.. I can feel his gaze on me.

"My beautiful fiancee!" He said.

His beautiful fiancee?! Is he ok?! Isn't he angry at me?! Why is he calling me beautiful now?!

"Have you eaten lunch?" He asked.

I didn't reply, not that I don't want to.. I just didn't dare to!

"Anastasia Statham... Isn't that a nice name?" He asked.

He chuckles lightly, I raised my head and studies him.. he's looking at me so lovingly, like this is the first time he's seeing me.

"Did you eat lunch?" He asked.

I shake my head and he frowns slightly.

"Don't starve yourself, we have enough food in this house.. I'll go make you something to eat!"