Anastasia's pov 👠

I stepped out of the dressing room, with a smile on my face and did a pose.

Klaus who was sitting on a couch outside the dressing room, typing on his phone... lifted his head and take a look at me.

"Eish!" He sighed and shook his head in dissatisfaction.

"What?! You don't like this one too?!" I exclaimed with a frown on my face. 

"No" he replied.

I stomped my feet and glared at him.. he simply smiled and called for the manager.

"Yes, Mr Statham?" The manager answered... she's a woman in her mid-thirties.

"This ain't what I want, take a proper look at my wife and get something suitable.. I want the best!"

"Yes, Mr Statham!" She replied and walked into a room.

I looked at the blue dress I'm wearing, it look so beautiful and honestly speaking, I think it fits me... I like it.

"Why don't you like this one.. it's the 27th dress I've tried on today!" I whined.