
"I don't need those heavy makeups, I just need something light.. that wouldn't hide my natural look!" I told Jennifer.

Currently, I'm sitting on my dresser, I'm already done taking my bath and I've also wore the gown Klaus and I bought earlier.

All I need right now is makeup and styling my hair.

"Mr Statham also told me that" she replied.

Then she got into action, she started with my hair. 

"Why are starting with my hair?" I asked her.

On most videos I watch on YouTube, they normally start with the makeup first.

"To enable me know if you're going with a natural look or a glamorous look"

Glamorous look will transform me into someone else, I don't like it but I didn't say it loud.. I don't want her to feel like I'm showing her how to do her job.

My brunette hair was pulled up into a bedecked braids, Jennifer decorated the lush braids with fragrant jasmine flowers.