Authoress' pov 👠

LA city hospital....

"Nicky, she's still in the ICU!" Marcus said as he strode into Rhoda's office.

Rhoda is done wrapping up Nicklaus's wound, he's just resting there for a while... since he can't walk about.

"Did you check if they've pulled out the bullet?" Nicklaus asked.

"Yeah, according to her mother, the doctors are trying to pull out the bullet... it's stuck in her heart!"

"Jesus!" Rhoda exclaimed.

She raised her head from the file she's signing, she frowned deeply.

"A bullet in her heart?" She asked, she looked so shock.

Marcus nod, Nicklaus signal him to come closer and help him up..he helped Nicklaus up.

"God.. it's soon gonna be a devastating moment for Mrs Ben" she said.

"What do you mean?" Marcus asked.

Rhoda got up and sighed. 

"Even if they pull the bullet out, I don't think she'll make it... it's gonna take a miracle for her to survive" she said.