Anastasia's pov 👠

I feel my body shake as a sudden cold breeze on my body, I turned and looked towards the window.. it's tightly shut.

Then why am I still feeling so cold? 

Looking down at myself, I realized I had unconsciously pushed the duvet aside while sleeping.

I quickly grabbed it and pulled it over my body, I grabbed the extra pillow on the bed and snuggle into its warmth.

"Tasia, get up and drink some soup!" Matilda said as she strode into the room.

I shake my head in refusal and closed my eyes, I coughed slightly.

"Turn off the air conditioner" I told her.

She dropped the bowl of soup on the bedside table and smacked her head.. then she quickly walked towards the switch.

"How did I forget to turn it off earlier?" She scolded herself.

After turning it off, she walked back to me. She pulled a couch closer to my bed and sat down, then she pulled the duvet away from me.