Rhoda's pov 👠

LA city hospital... 8:13pm...

"Mrs Ben, you should eat something" I said.

I dropped the plastic bag I was holding on the table, I sat next to her on the couch and started bringing out the food.

Mrs Ben didn't even bother to face me, or maybe she didn't even hear me speak.

All her attention is on Claudia, she held Claudia's hand in hers tightly.. yet softly.

Anyone can see and feel her great love for Claudia, her eyes are red and puffy from all...

It's Claudia, who can't see her and feel her mother's love.

"Mrs Ben" I called her again, tapping her shoulder gently.

She slowly turned her head towards me, oh my God, her eyes are even puffier than I imagined.

"Miss Statham, you're still here?" She asked in a cracked voice.

I nod. "Yes, ma'am, and you can please call me Rhoda" I told her.