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Meeting Carlos

As usual,Dóro woke up very early,went to the gym and prepared for work. But on this day he decided to take public transport. He got to work early,signed in and went to his desk. As usual,they were less occupied and discussing random topics. Dóro was not in the mood of talking so he decided to play a game on his phone. As he was playing,he began to think about what Kent told him in the interrogation room. Kent told him they worked for a very rich man,but why would a rich man rob a bank. Dóro was thinking of this when he got distracted by Stanley. Stanley directed a question to everyone asking,"Ok so y'all listen to this,what is the craziest mission you've attended to?" As he realized nobody was paying attention to him,he directed the question to Dóro. "I don't know, probably the bank robbery last weekend". Dóro replied. He then woke up and went to the washroom. He washed his face and decided to go engage in some physical activities. He was at the gun room doing some shooting practice but one of his colleague saw that he couldn't concentrate grate then told him to go ask for a day off. Dóro went to the commander's office and told the commander that he was not well and wanted a day off. Considering he was a dedicated officer, his request was granted. He went to his desk,packed his things and left the office.

He didn't bring his car to work that day and had to take the bus but had second thoughts and decided to walk. The weather was hot and as he walked on the streets,people looking at him because he was In a police uniform. Realizing he was being stared at a lot,he went back to the station,went to the locker room and changed his clothes to put on something common. He then walked back out to walk home. As he was walking on the street,a little boy ran into him and stole his wallet for his pocked. He realized that his wallet was stolen and knew it was the boy. He decided to take a short cut to meet up with the boy. The boy kept running and looking back to see weather he was being chased. Immediately he turned his head to look forward, he ran into Dóro. Dóro grabbed him and collected his wallet from the boy. He left the boy to go. Upon seeing how the boy looked, out of curiosity and pity he asked,"Do you want to grab lunch with me?" "Yes", the boy replied with a shy look on his face.

Dóro took the boy to a nearby to buy food for both of them. As they were eating,he engaged the boy in a conversation. "What's your name and how old are you?" Dóro asked. "My name is Carlos and I'm thirteen years old", the boy replied. He asked the boy where his parents where and the boy told him,"My mom died when giving birth to me. I stayed with my dad until he died last year. He worked for some guys and anytime they came around,I was scared. He told me not to be scared and everything was ok. But I knew with those guys around,we were not safe. One evening they came to our house very angry and they carried guns. My dad told me to go hide myself. I went to hide In the bathroom. They asked my dad where I was and he told them I was still in school. They were talking to then I heated a gunshot. I was scared so I stayed in the bathroom. I waited for them to leave then I came out in an hour time to meet my dad in a pool of blood. I got soo scared I ran away and now I'm on the streets,doing what I can do that I don't stay hungry. "That's sad to hear,I'm soo sorry ",Dóro said to the boy. "It's on,it's all in the past", the boy replied. Dóro stared at the boy for a while then white a curious look on his face he asked,"Your overheard what they were talking about. What exactly were they talking about?" I'm not sure what they meant. They said my dad screwed up and boss was mad at him. My dad told them he was not a bad person just because he worked for a demon. He said they both knew what their master would do if he had the key in his procession and he had to get rid of it. But he never got rid of it. He gave it to me and I carry it on me everyday. It's the only thing that reminds me of him". "Can I see the key?",Dóro asked. The boy handed it over to him. Dóro recognized the key,it was the key to the underworld,the one the elders used to imprison his uncle in the Norb. It was the key to all darkness. The prophecy said the darkness would return but he thought he had destroyed the darkness already,not knowing it was yet to come. He came the key back to the bay and said,"Keep it safe boy". Dóro asked the boy if he had a place to stay for the night and he said no. He took the boy home,washed him up and gave him some clothes to wear which they bought on their way home. That night,he told the boy the story about the darkness and the rage the gods gifted the people with. He also told the boy a great darkness is yet to come. Carlos didn't really understand what Dóro talked about. He fell asleep. Dóro went to his safe to take the old scrolls of the elders and went through it. Dóro knew the darkness was meant to return and he was to destroy it but out of fear he drifted away from his course.