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The elders scrolls

Dóro began to go through the scroll. Carlos was sleeping by then. He has been reading the scrolls for years but have never taken his time to read it in such a keen manner. The scrolls talked about a dark entity named Erebus. He was imprisoned in the depths of Hades but men shall seek and release him. During these days,the wise men of the land could contain small amount of dark entities in prisons called the Norb. These prisons were created by men themselves. But a stronger entity of darkness cannot be contained.

As Dóro continued to go through the scrolls,he realized that the main boss of the robbers,he referred to as The Darkness was trying to build a container but was driven by ignorance and pride because Erebus was too strong to be trapped in a container. Dóro read from the scrolls that the container was made from diamond and he realized the robbers were mainly after diamonds which makes them less suspicious because diamond is a precious mineral of the modern era and anyone would die processing it or go to the extent of taking the life of others to have it.

The next morning,he told Carlos to stay home and stay out of site because his life was in danger for the key he processed and if it falls into the hands of the dark,very bad things will happen. Carlos respectfully listened to Dóro. When he was about to leave for work, Dóro said to Carlos,"There's food in the kitchen and I don't mind you wear some of my clothes. But what ever you do,please stay mute,keep the lights off and the sound down. Give me the key for it will be safer with me". Ok sir,I'll do whatever you've told me to do sir", Carlos replied and gave Dóro the key. Dóro left for work and arrived early. He walked to the registerer desk and signed in as usual. Without hesitation,he walked into the commander's office. "Good morning sir, I have something to discuss with you ",Dóro said to the commander. "I'm all ears",the commander replied.

Dóro pulled the elders scrolls from his bag and from his pocket, the key of hades he took from the boy. The commander was confused but eager to listen to whatever Dóro was about to say to him. "The robberies going on are not just ordinary arm robberies robberies sir,there's something going on we need to know and put a stop to before it's too late". "What do you mean?" The commander asked. "Last month,a lot of jewelry stores were robbed and the only type of jewelry stolen were those made from diamonds,not gold nor silver and we both know these once were available. And now bank robbers. They're not after the money but diamonds. The last bank robbery, we interviewed one of the eye witnesses and he told me they were mainly focused on the diamond vault". "So you mean there is a guy,stealing diamonds to trap an Ancient Greek entity of darkness that he's going to free from hades with that key in your hand?Are you listening to yourself right now? Look,I respect you soo just pretend we never had this conversation "the commander said to Dóro. "Ok sir",Dóro replied. Dóro left the office and went to his desk.

After a while of sitting and having pointless conversations,Dóro called Stanley in private and told Stanley to come over to his house at night and that they had something to talk about. On the other hand,as soon as Dóro left the commander office,the commander called The Darkness. Not knowing he worked for him,Dóro has given given them all the information they need. "I know where the key is. It's in the processing of one of my offices and he carries a scroll that says exactly what you into do",the commander said to the darkness. "Send me his address and my boys will go get the key. As to whatever the scrolls contain and how he got hold of it,we'll find out later",The Darkness replied. The commander gave Dóro's house address to the darkness.

It' been hours of work and Dóro finally went home to meet Carlos sleeping on the floor. "Hey kid,how are you doing ?",Dóro asked the Carlos. "I'm fine,just tired",Carlos replied. Dóro went to his room to get changed and came back to the living room to eat and watch television with Carlos. It's 11:13pm and Carlos is asleep. Dóro heard a knock at the door,went to check and it was Stanley. Stanley walked in with a curious look on his face and said to Dóro,"look man,it's almost midnight and I should be sleeping by now so whatever you have to say should be something worth listening to". Without altering a word,Dóro went to get the scrolls and the key then gave the scrolls to Stanley saying,"Read this,I think all the robberies going on off late is related to this". After few minutes of reading the scrolls,Stanley said to Dóro,"So you mean some dude is stealing diamonds to creat a container to trap a dark Ancient Greek entity and some sort of Superman is to destroy this dark entity? You know what,I'm not sure what to say to you right now". "I understand,but wait,I have something to show you". Dóro replied. Dóro closed his eyes for a few seconds. Then both stood there as Stanley watched with a curious look on his face. Dóro opened his eyes and his eyes burned like the sun,all the veins on his body glowed red as the rage passed through them. "The legend of the rage,you mean is real?" Stanley asked ,with a surprised look on his face. "It was never a legend and don't be scared. But we have less time,we need to act fast or humanity is doomed".