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Loosing Carlos

Stanley stood there looking marveled as he watched Dóro. "Can I touch you?"he asked Dóro in a silly manner. "Of course ",Dóro replied. Stanley could feel the heat from a distance. He held Dóro's hand and looked at at for he has seen nothing of its kind. "Just wanna ask,do you have superpowers? I mean,Superman can fly,wonderful has got the sword and rope ting. You have superpowers right? Stanley asked. "I do t call them superpowers but yes. I have special abilities like flight,strength and all. But that's not what we should be thinking about, now that humanity is at stalk",Dóro replied. They were standing as they heard a sound from behind them,a voice of a child and Dóro recognized it to be Carlos's voice. They turned,to see one of The Darkness men holding onto Carlos and pointing a gun to his head. "Where is the key,give me the key or else the boy is dead",the man ordered as he pulled the boy closer to him. He didn't notice Dóro's power so he had no fear,thinking he was dealing with an ordinary human. Dòro walked towards him as Stanley stood behind Dóro. "Leave the boy out of this,the key is with me. I am going to give you the key but I want if this is what you really want",Dóro asked. "Yes,just give me the key and let me get out of here. No body has to get hurt so please don't make this shit difficult. Because that is what people do and when they get hurt,they call me a bad guy",the guy replied. Dóro recognized the tattoo at the back of his hand and said to him,"You were at the bank robbery that day. You're stealing diamonds for a rich guy that can afford diamonds. Doesn't that concern you. Look boy,if you hand this key over to him,bad things are going to happen. We will all die,he will die",Dóro said to the guy. "I don't give a shit about what you're saying. If we all die,so be it. All I know is I'll be given a shit ton of cash if I return this key. Look man,we all gonna die,sinner or later",the man replied to Dóro. Three other men walked into the house with guns,pointing at Dóro and Stanley. Carlos began to struggle with the man and accidentally,he got shot. Dóro felt a sharp pain in his chest. He became very angry. The man dropped the kid and escaped. He ordered the other men to open fire. Dóro ordered Stanley to stand behind him as he took the bullets. Dóro ran towards your them one by one and torn them apart with his bear hands. There was blood everywhere and human parts scattered on the floor. Dóro was soo angry,he scared Stanley. He rushed to Carlos. Stanley wanted to call an ambulance but he said no because he knew Carlos was not going to make it. He held the boy and bunt his corpse as tears ran down his face. He asked Stanley to leave but Stanley wouldn't understand. "Hey Stanley, you need to leave. Do you think the cops will understand when they arrive. I means there are dead bodies either their parts scattered everywhere. You don't need to be here. You will loose your job or even worse. And I'm sorry for bringing you into this. Now that they know you're with me,they'll find find you and kill you",Dóro said to Stanley in a concern manner. "I'm scared,I can walk away and act like I was never here but as you just said,they'll find and kill me. I need to stay with you because you're the only one that can keep me safe right now. And if all of this shot ends and we live,I swear I'm going to kill you". Stanley replied. Dóro a greed to keep Stanley around. They left the house. Stanley took them to an abandoned apartment his uncle used to stay in. They slept there without being noticed. It's was a rough night and they both couldn't sleep. Stanley decided to turn on the television saying,"let me see wether this old junk is still working ". He turned on the television and it worked.

The television was turned on to meet a breaking news. "There was a tragic gunfire at the house downtown that was said to belong to a police officer. The scene is bloody and it was discovered that the bullets were from one party but their death is unbelievable. They were torn into pieces as if done by a monster. This is more of a cause for alert that any of the bank robberies that has taken place in this town. This is the most fearful thing to ever happen in this town. Are we now sharing our town with monsters?"the news reporter gave his report. Dóro woke up to go turn the television off. As soon as he turned it off,his phone began to ring,followed by Stanley's phone. Dóro told Stanley not to pick up his phone but answered his and had it on loud speakers,"Hey, Dóro,I know you did this. But I don't care,just hand over the key and let the prophecy be fulfilled. We both know the darkness was meant to come. So do what you should boy", the commander spoke. "This is all my fault. The people we trust to protect us are the once that hurt us. And now he knows what I am", Dóro said to Stanley. "Hey man,if the prophecy says it's going to happen,just hand over the key. You can't change the prophecy. I mean you're powerful enough,I believe in you",Stanley Stanley said to Dóro. "I know man,boy in scared. Erebus is the greatest dark entity of all time. What if I fail and everyone dies. I know I can't change the prophecy but I can stop it. Dóro replied.