First day of marine

Jack woke up and realized he slept for only an hour. He was tired was had no choice. He went to the gym early to get some pumps so that he could look good in his uniform. After an hour of working out,he jogged back home. He took his bath then ironed his uniform. He put on his boxer and singlet then prepared and sit breakfast. After eating breakfast,he wore his uniform then called Me. Jeremy to come pick him up. He was scared Mr. Jeremy would be late so he had cash on him to take the bus if Mr. Jeremy disappointed him. In less then five minutes,Mr. Jeremy arrived. He greeted Mr. Jeremy,packed all his belongings into the trunk then climbed into the car with an uncertain look on his face. They took of and on their way to the base,they began to have a conversation. For the first five minutes,there was total silence until Mr. Jeremy began to ask questions. "Boy? I ate you fine?" He Asked because Jack had sick look on his face. "I'm fine sir ,I'm just tired. I didn't sleep well last night". "Oh I see,Mr. Jeremy said. They conversation continued until they reached the base.

When they reached base, Mr. Jeremy helped Jack to take his things out of the car. He was directed to his room to settle down and say his goodbyes. After about an hour,all new soldiers were called to a roll call. When Jack got to the roll call,he was shocked to meet Langford."Langford,I'm very shocked to see you here,it's been forever ",Jack said to Langford. "I'm equally shocked as you, I guess we had the same plans. Anyways I'll be seeing you around ", Langford replied. The new soldiers formed a horizontal line as they awaited the one in charge to train them.

The Sargent Walked and stood in front of them with his assistants. "My name is Sargent Lucas Jackson but you can call me Sargent Jack. He began to ask for their names then decided to tease some of the soldiers. He saw an eighteen years old kid he saw came in with his parents. "Soo your parents decided to pack up a lot of snacks. You think this is a third grade boarding school ",he asked the boy. The boy did not answer then he shouted,"I'm talking to to you soldier. Do you think this is a third grade boarding school?" The boy replied shouting,"Sir no sir. He walked up to another soldier. This man was very slim. He looked at the soldier from head to toe then said to the soldier ," What do we have here,an underweight grasshopper. You need to eat more food soldier,this ain't no modeling agency so I don't think it would be necessary to preserve your weigh. Want to see some change in two weeks,I'm I clear soldier?" The soldier replied,"Sir yes sir. He then walked up to Jack,he looked at jack from head to toe. He noticed jack was very big but had a young face. He then asked Jack,"How old are you soldier?" "I'm nineteen ",Jack replied. Everyone was shocked after jack mentioned his age. The Sargent was shocked himself then said ," what the bucket full of grenade. Nineteen,what have you been eating? Anyways I'm very impressed. I heard you performed well on your physical test. The army need more fit men like you kid. I guess your parent are proud of you kid". "My parents are dead",Jack replied. "I'm sorry to hear that kid but know that we are your fathers now",the Sargent said to the boy.

After individually talking to each soldier and asking for their names,he stood before them and began to speak to them. "Welcome to the United States marine boot camp. This is where we transform you from a normal citizen to a soldier. Marine training includes drill exercises, physical exercises, personal combat and intensive marksmanship qualification.

Marksmanship is actually how good you are at shooting.

A marksman is someone who is excellent at shooting a gun. A skilled marksman hits the bull's eye every time. The word mark is from the Middle English word for "target," so a marksman is a man (or woman) who has excellent aim and shoots a target. Passing the marksmanship training course will earn an Army marksmanship badge. You must be able to hit twenty three to twenty nine out of the forty targets to earn that qualification. If you do a little better (thirty -thirty five), you qualify for the sharpshooter badge. To get an expert badge, you must hit at least thirty six targets. Well,today is orientation. I'll have these two officers show you around. Real training starts at 5am tomorrow morning".

They were done with their tour and everyone went back to their various rooms. They were left to rest. On his way to his room,Jack saw some guys bullying a new soldier like him. He was not happy with how they were treating him so he decided to stop them. "Leave him alone", Jack shouted. "And what at are you going to do if we don't",one of the bully replied. Jack became angry and was about to strike when Langford walked by and stoped him. They began to call him names and tease him. This made Jack more angry but Langford advised him not to pay attention to them and he listened. Jack and Langford walked away. It's was lunch time soo they decided to go have lunch. As they were seated and eating lunch,they began to have a conversation. "You never told me your parents were dead",Langford said to Jack. "It's a long story",Jack replied. Noticing Jack didn't want to talk about it, Langford decided not to ask any further questions. In the evening,they both went to the gym to workout. Everyone was impressed upon the weights Jack could lift.