Her Last Wish

"You're going back to your previous body?"

Rosie shrugged her shoulders. She wasn't sure about that. Besides, there was no definite answer. Somehow, Howland must have wanted to see his real sister again. So, whether it was releasing her soul from Roseanne Villiers' body, or killing her a second time, Rosie didn't care.

She also didn't care if she didn't return to her previous life and just became a wandering spirit. Rosie actually liked it. No need to feel hot, cold, thirsty, hungry, and other trouble things like falling in love. She could also fly and hover at will. Maybe with that, she could really feel the thing called freedom.

Rosie just didn't care anymore. She touched her stomach, which somehow felt very empty. Aslan too… instead of seeing Aslan's disappointed face when he found out that Rosie had lost their child, she had better run away as soon as possible.