Rosie Finally Back To Aslan's Castle

Howland then turned around. "All right then, I'll give you three days to settle all your business with Aslan. I'll also send some troops to Westalis to monitor you, and if you don't come back within three days, then I'll kill Aslan as well."

Rosie nodded then expressed her gratitude earnestly. Howland snorted. "Stand up. I don't like seeing my sister's body kneeling on the floor. My sister is the Royal Princess. Don't make her look low," Howland said.

"Thank you very much for your benevolence, Your Majesty," replied Rosie, then standing up again.

After Howland left her room, Rosie sat down in the chair. Her legs were still very weak. She was daydreaming for a moment until she heard a voice from the bathroom.

The bathroom door opened, and Killian stood there straight.