Where Is Hilda?

"But, I only burnt all the leaves as well as the twigs. The next day, I told the gardener to take the remains of the burns and clean it up," replied Aslan.

Rosie shook her head. "But still… you're amazing…"

Rosie turned back to the lake and smiled brightly. If only… she had more time to spend, Rosie would ask Aslan to go camping here. However, what she hoped for would never happen. It would be a waste. 

She should be back in three days, and three days was a very short time. If Rosie broke her promise, Howland had given her a final ultimatum that the man would kill Aslan.

Rosie then turned around and grabbed Aslan's hand to come with her.

"Come on, follow me. We don't have much time. We have to meet Hilda," she said. 

Aslan frowned in confusion at seeing his wife in such a hurry even though they still had plenty of time. The night hadn't even come yet.