Decisions On Three Years Mission

"Doctor? Where is Aslan's wound? I do not see it?" Rosie asked curiously, as she didn't see the gunshot wound on her husband's body.

"Ah, the wound has closed, so you can't see it. If you want to see it, it's over here."

The doctor pointed to a small, faint white circle that almost matched the wound on Aslan's thigh. It was sewn in a unique way. Was this what it meant to combine magic and medicine? 

Rosie was really amazed because she no longer saw Aslan's wound, which had barely dried up even though it was only two days. The doctor said that the wound on the outside had closed, but the cells inside were still working to heal the wound. That was why Aslan still needed rest, and the man would recover completely in a few more days.

It also made Aslan still feel pain.

"I'll make some medicine for you. It will speed up the regeneration of cells inside your body."

Aslan nodded, and Rosie thanked the doctor sincerely.