Decisions On Three Years Mission

It was at this time that rumors of Aslan being in Oceania were being spread, and the Angaria troops in the Torao Archipelago planned to withdraw. However, it seemed the time wasn't right because they ran into Ben's ship.

No. All of this was because Aslan accidentally met Commander Erwin. Aslan said that he wanted to find one of his friends, Savannah, at Rosie's request who was worried because the woman hadn't come back.

However, when Aslan was passing through a crowded alley, he ran into Savannah who was being bullied by some of the thugs there. When Aslan wanted to help, Howland suddenly appeared to save the woman. Aslan, who was surprised, rushed to turn around, and it seemed that his sudden movements were noticed by Erwin, and Erwin followed him to the end of the alley.